Container Gardening

Dollar Tree laundry basket container Garden we planted in March to DIY Raised Bed Pallet Garden

We planted a small garden using seeds in Dollar Tree laundry baskets containers in March. We used grocery store potatoes we had that were growing spuds as well as Dollar Tree soil, and Dollar Tree seeds that were 4 for a Dollar. Now we are moving them into our raised bed pallet system. Nothing fancy, but I help that this video helps other people.


  1. You can use the tree wood and sticks from on your property under the soil. Then it takes less soil etc to fill the beds. You can also add leaves, kitchen scraps, card board etc on the bottom also. As it breaks down it helps build the soil up too. The larger pieces of tree wood also helps retain water. Look up hugel culture. I might have spelt it wrong…

  2. Very ambitious for your first year ! Congrats on working so hard! SharingWhat, I am going to look for some of those bags at the stores you mentioned! I bet you left the palletts high to keep kritters out ? How did your season go as far as harvest? My best thoughts hoing your way.😏. Remember, each area, of the country has different soil . In time you will find out what workx and what doesnt. What area of the country do you live in? Dont give up, if somethings don t go well ! Hope your family is doing well !

  3. I have never seen pallet beds built like yours. You could make a fortune with that design. Only a few tools, no cutting. Genius. Now I have to find some free pallets. Also the Dollar tree baskets for seedlings is brilliant too!

  4. Nice start.. Love your raised beds. Hope your wood is more recent, and not chemically treated, which can leach harmful chemicals into the soil and then in to your vegetables.

    Have a few suggedtions for you to consider gradually switching to chemical-free, safe and organic gardening:
    1. You need to be careful what kind of plastic liners you use for the laundry baskets. Only polypropylene is safe.
    2. Cheap seeds are not necessarily the best. You can buy heirloom, NON-GMO seeds off season. Or buy fresh organic vegetables, and sow green fresh seeds. Yes, they work. Tomatoes abd peppers can be essily grown. And, then you can save seeds from one harvest to the next.
    3. Be mindful of the kind of soil you plant your seeds in. Top soil is fine for growing flowers but not for vegetables and herbs. Probably the soil on your property, with amendments iike organic peat moss and cow manure will be better than the store bought.
    4. Your fertilizer is loaded with harsh chemicals. Switch to the chemical-free variety. It is much simpler than you might think.
    5.From the glimpse of your property, you might consider starting a compost bin with dry, aged wood, dry leaves, kitchen scraps, tea/coffee grinds, onion and banana peals, and egg shells.
    Good Luck!
    As a passing note, next time, skip what you showed in the first minute. IMHO most viewers Ike me don't have time to watch stuff like that, which has little or no value for their time.

  5. This is great! Love all of your ideas! I garden on a budget too I love the pallet beds. What did you grow there and was it difficult to harvest?

  6. Good for you! I think the hardest part is taking the first step! I think one of the most important things you can do is start your own compost pile. YouTube videos are a wonderful place to get free information. Check out Charles Dowding's no dig gardens. He is a wealth of information. And the information is free! Best wishes on your sustainable gardening venture. Also please check out Hugelkultur gardening. It can save you tons on soil to fill your beds.

  7. Jerry Baker did the original Square Foot Gardening, many many years ago. He really made it simple for all of us to follow!

  8. I'm watching this for the first time March 2022,and I really liked your video,I'm sure you're learning about thinning your seedlings,I love the birds singing in the background! I've been gardening about 5 years and learn something new all the time. Good luck may all your harvests be bountiful.

  9. You are doing a great job we are being pinched to the limit with money so it's good you are trying that's what count

  10. There is some great info and inspiration here, but I’d be a little skeptical of putting your personal (fb) info out there. πŸ’•

  11. I love your ideas.. little or a lot it doesn't matter..sq ft gardening is a good book BUT I AM stealing your pallet idea… It's worth it for my land.. it has no life in the dirt.. YOU ARE A GOD SEND!!!!!!!!!

  12. OMG I literally went to DT, got the same items and did this very thing on Friday??😳 However I'm using mine for compost, but will try this too!

  13. Do you follow Robbie and Gary? They’re good for info. She is good for helping folks, design your garden on a penny. LOL! She said that she hasn’t bought soil in years.

  14. Thanks for sharing. Great idea and greatly appreciated. Money is really tight right now so this helps. My brother loves Tomatoes and eats them like Candy. Always has for over 20 years. This helps so much. I'm just wondering I have the basket. But what do I use as a liner? Then I can put the dirt. Does anyone know? Thank you again.β™₯οΈπŸ’―πŸ‘

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