
Biggest Mistake to Avoid After Buying Carrots from Nursery! – (Fall Gardening Tips)

Fall is an excellent time to grow carrots, and you can usually still find them in the nursery or garden center. If you aren’t careful though, you might make the biggest mistake after buying carrots from the nursery. Learn how to avoid this mistake, and instead grow amazing, delicious carrots your family and friends will be impressed by!

This video shows several tips to grow carrots in the fall, which are also relevant to how to grow long carrots. Knowledge learned here is also foundational to growing carrots successfully anytime, whether it be in spring, summer, fall, or winter in warmer zones such as 10 or above. In zones 8 and above, carrots can typically be planted until mid-October, as they will be maturing by the time colder weather arrives in December/January. If you are interested in growing other root vegetables such as parsnips or beets, the recommendation in this video to use loose, well draining soil to grow carrots is also beneficial. By watching, you will know how to grow carrots and the importance of thinning carrots.

Growing In The City is dedicated to creating awareness and enriching the life of you and your loved ones through organic gardening. We provide weekly gardening tips to help you have a more successful growing season and take care of rare houseplants. Learn how to grow microgreens, which insects help or hurt your garden, how to trellis your plants for better use of small areas, how to transplant your plants, urban gardening tips, fall gardening tips, why you should support community gardens to increase social equity, how to participate in gardening challenges such as the Single Seed Challenge, and many more topics. Defend yourself against economic volatility and be more resilient by growing your own food.

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⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
0:00 Welcome to Growing In The City
0:35 What is the biggest mistake to avoid after buying carrots from nursery?
1:00 What can happen if carrots are not thinned before planting
2:00 Advantages of using raised garden beds to grow carrots
3:39 Consider planting carrots in square foot garden
3:49 Why fall is an excellent time to grow carrots
4:32 Next Steps to have a Successful Growing Season



  1. What's your favorite variety of carrot?
    ⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
    0:00 Welcome to Growing In The City
    0:35 What is the biggest mistake to avoid after buying carrots from nursery?
    1:00 What can happen if carrots are not thinned before planting
    2:00 Advantages of using raised garden beds to grow carrots
    3:39 Consider planting carrots in square foot garden
    3:49 Why fall is an excellent time to grow carrots
    4:32 Next Steps to have a Successful Growing Season

  2. Thank u! First garden this year and i plopped the whole carrot plant in the ground… its been two months and i just pulled one bunch out and its a cluster F lol. Thanks!! Live and learn then watch youtube FIRST!!

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