Front Yard Garden

What would an old $119,000 A-frame house look like with a modern-day design?

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I found this A-frame house listed on Cheap Old Houses and I used procreate and my iPad to make all the sketches and diagrams used to help me redesign this home. Shout out to Photopea as well (free browser-based photoshop alternative) for their awesome program.

I modeled the houses using Revit and rendered it all on Twinmotion.


  1. If you are looking for my social media links, check out —- otherwise, drop your questions and comments below and I'll respond to EVERY SINGLE ONE. Try Me.

  2. Looks cool, would be cool if you had two parts to these videos – one where you do whatever you want and a second part where you would try to redesign if your budget was $50,000 (or some other amount but at least less than $100,000 would be cool)

  3. phenomenal redesign – – Q: how much do you estimate these changes would cost? (That’s the big question… bc if the house costs $120,000… And renovations cost, say $100,000 (?) that raises the price considerably)

  4. Great design!
    I have two concerns in-line with heating though.
    1. The color of the roof will accumulate heat. Seeing that it’s oriented towards the sun and is most of the building.
    2. Glass easily looses heat and easily gains heat too. Making the the facade glass, which I totally agree with, increases heating during winter and cooling during summer.

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