Gardening Supplies

French beans growing on terrace garden – starting to give produce

Bush type French Beans can provide a good harvest on a regular basis. I have been doing this for some time now, but I have to be careful of timing, since the plant gets affected when it is too hot or too cold (you need to plant it in between the extreme weather events). In a previous video (, I showed them when they were ready to transplant. This one is a couple of weeks after the transplant when the beans have started developing on the plant.
The plants are fine with the potting mix that I am using – I use a mix of home grown compost, some store bought vermicompost, cocopeat and some handfuls of epsom salt, neem khal and bone meal. The soil is soft and porous and lets worms and micro-organisms move through it, being able to better utilize all the fertilizer that is provided. The only problem is that if you need to get a good supply of beans, then instead of one seed packet, I should have used 2 seed packets. #FrenchBeans #Beans #terracegarden #Fruiting #organic

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