Backyard Garden


#shedwars #gardening #greencountryagroforestry

Stop EVERYTHING and watch this one first:
Part I:

..and how did it all turn out?

How to make a Shedwars21 entry video, how to participate in shedwars21:


  1. Brown material is carbon bearing, it's what makes the soil black. What you actually want is more green material, like cut grass or leaves, which are much higher in nitrogen than wood. The best material wasn't harvested from under church pews, the best material was harvested from under stables. Some stables and barns were actually set up on slopes so that manure would fall out from under the barn, and the animal urine was allowed to just splash down over top of it as it was produced. This material was then removed to concentrating pits, clay lined depressions where the material was further reduced and decomposed in big piles. The material was then removed into giant pots for "washing", to remove all of the remaining carboniferous material and concentrate the nitrates.

  2. Does it matter what kind of wood chips? Is pine okay or does it have to be hardwood or is a mix okay? Thank you.

  3. Hello Jason, I was sent to you from David the Good. Love that family, looking forward to all of your knowledge

  4. A six foot garden gnome, your adorable and I do learn a lot. Thank You.

  5. Foxfire book numbers 5 black Smith will tell you how to make it to there are 13 books in the Foxfire books all the old things back in the 1800s

  6. Thanks for sharing the knowledge! TKOR The King Of Randomness has a channel where he makes black powder that starts with a G. The guy has since passed. RIP!

  7. uh oh! Keanu Reeves Chain Reaction! Your not over weight! Your a picture of a happy complete person! Now go wash your hands!

  8. direct them to that old Star trek episode. Captain Kirk and the lizard man. But I didn't say that. lol Is Mary back on the road? Stay safe Mary.

  9. Interesting fact ,Back in the UK
    People Emptied their bedpans into a bucket outside the door where it was collected & taken away
    There's an Old English saying That if you were broke Then you didn't have a pot to pi'ss in!😂

  10. I don't know if this helps. When I took chemistry in high school, we made "black powder". Now, we were not told what we were making, nor were we given a strict formula. It was to show how the components go together. We took some of the powder and put it in the burners at our stations. The goal was to see if it flashed. At the end of the class, I approached our teacher and told him that I knew what we had made. The look on his face, and the stern warning not to tell any of the other students was enough to keep me quiet. The information was there in the school library (I went to school before the Internet was available.)

    Anyway, the point is that it is better to err on the side of caution.

  11. Our government isn't supposed to legislate an activity into existence. If there isn't a law that is made pursuant to the Constitution to restrict an activity, it isn't illegal.

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