Gardening Supplies

Turkey and Russia agree to send grains to African countries for free!!

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  1. No white give anything to black man freely. why we have everything and the one who have small will come and tell you that I won't to help you .mother Africa wakeup when are we going to understand why what is rong with us

  2. One hand they send grain but with another they send the far right group Wagner to secure the resource. Russia and China are not our friends either. Why don't they just grow their own wheat or some alternative?

  3. We as Africans don't need anything free from anywhere, this agenda will destroy Africa's agriculture sector

  4. Meanwhile, Bill Gates is promoting GMO on the continent……they want to kill off food self-reliance on the continent & control us over food.


  6. Africa still have shortage of food in many places, War created by EU and currency manipulation will never allow Africa to fully feed s
    Let's talk with Russia to solve fertilizer problem for now before Africa get it feed.

  7. I am so tired about this leaders talking about Africa been poor and they know what the problem-

    our forefather has been talking about this issue and WE ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS ISSUE

    What has he , as president DONE ? Recent events now – Let him tell as what he has done !

    Has he engaged his neighboring countries ? Has he sort out his country back yard economy ?

    has he supply TRACTORS for farmers ? borehole and housing ? Sort out logistics ?


    Why is African leaders don't support farming ? WHY ? Why they don't buy heavy tractors support farming – Why ? AFRICA IS HUGE – AFRICA IS BIG – AFRICA IS RICH – AFRICA IS SITUATED WITHIN THE TROPICS – GOOD CLIMATE AND THIS LEADERS DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY ECONOMIC GAME AGAINST THE WEST POWER ( Europen union and USA with its multinational company ) Are they living under the rock ?

  8. US has financial institutions that introduced structural adjustments which stopped Africans from growing food crops – cash crops they said. USA donates military bases, biased NGOs and sponsored YouTube channels. People who misinform and send anti Russia or China are evil to wishes of freedom from outsiders. .

  9. I know the so-called African leaders are programmed tokens who cannot think out of the box.
    Ask yourselves this, did we exist before Europeanc come. If our our uneducated leaders could hold nations and empires together without any input from Arabs, Asians and Europeans.
    The solution is simple. We have the land resources and world wild capacitated people in the diaspora and the continues
    Most important we have to give up the idea of a divided Ifreeka and going it as separate nations

  10. Its à shame why Africans always want free stuffs ? How can we go forward ? Its ridicules, we need to change or we will never be respected

  11. Be ware Africa putin does not give things free unless he is going to gain something. He wants to be worshiped by Africa. He wants it under his grip. Something hidden is brewing. He wants Africa to support him in his war.

  12. Turkey is one of the greatest enemy of African Christians, Turkish government is supporting Fulani terrorists government in nigeria to Islamize nigeria.

  13. Nothing is free, what do there want in return watch your back African, Ukraine is white country look at how there r being treated by white Russian wake up Africa don't just wake up open your eyes as well .
    P.s what are there putting in the grain for you ,you guys did very good with the virus don't ruin it open your eyes there are connect to your brain much love my brother's and sister's

  14. It is better not to look at peaceful countries only that are self-sufficient but there are african countries that have suffered wars and many more problem and need help, and it is good to know the purpose of each statement meaning anyways no one in the world can buy someone! Thank you

  15. We got arable lands more than any other continent on earth. We got enough food. This narrative of Africa lucks food should stop

  16. What ashame for Africa,for how long you will continue stretching hand to begg.

  17. We don't need free food, our land Africa is fertile to grow all kind of crops, the only problem we have is that we are having self-centered leaders in the offices who only think of themselves and they do not care about the people who elected them into office

  18. Whats in it for them? What are they hoping to gain! Nothing is free especially in times like now!! How safe is this? Africa, stop being BEGGERS!!

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