Gardening Trends

What is sustainable gardening?

🌱 What does it mean to garden sustainably?
🧐 We asked two experts—Jose Torcal and Mary Jenkins from RAINscapeTO—and here’s what we learned:
🌱 Essentially, to garden sustainably is to mimic nature as much as possible
🌿 That is, to grow what will grow in the conditions available
🌻 For example, in soil that’s clay-heavy, grow plants that appreciate that kind of soil, plant drought-tolerant species in sunny, dry spots, and so on
🙌 Grow plants that will thrive in the conditions in your region (research native plant species & plant those guys!)
🚫 Reduce or eliminate lawn: lawns are costly in many ways…they need a lot of water, do nothing for pollinators and wildlife, and require carbon-intensive maintenance
🌿 Resist replacing soil – work with the soil you have as much as possible
🍂 Amend soil as needed with organic material or compost
🚫 Stay away from chemical fertilizers
💦 Learn about water conservation methods: rain gardens and water barrels are a great place to start
🦋 Recognize that your garden is one part of an existing ecosystem with great possibilities to not only provide beauty, but also food for pollinators and habitat for wildlife!

⏯️ Watch to the end to learn about how your garden is one way you can take action to help the climate, and find joy in the process.

Are you planning to implement sustainable practices in your garden this year? Tell us about it in the comments!


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Gardenstead is an online gardening community and plant lovers channel of gardeners who love to get their hands dirty, both indoors and outdoors. Our gardeners run the gamut. They are vegetable gardeners, houseplant nurturers, small space gardening engineers, herbalists, flower enthusiasts and succulent aficionados.

Our goal has always been to connect gardeners in an inclusive gardening community, foster and share knowledge, and make gardening resources available to everyone.

As we grow, we seek to expand our conversations about gardening and to
cultivate a mindful embrace of nature and the healing and grounding properties
to be found in it.

Plants cultivate connections between people — from urban settings of balcony gardens
and small spaces to rural backyards with larger and more expansive gardens. We hope
you’ll join us as we continue to nurture these connections and create new ones.


To make sure you can find what you need, we divide all our content into playlists by topic:

Outdoor Gardening for Beginners:

How to keep houseplants healthy?

Best indoor gardening ideas:

How to grow your own vegetables at home?

Already watched all the videos we’ve published on YouTube? No worries, we have you covered. Every week we put up new videos to keep you up to date with the latest trends in gardening, growing, caring for houseplants, and more.
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#gardening #sustainableliving #sustainablegardening #plants

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