Edible Gardening



My Lifestyle/Vlog Channel:

Garden Wishlist
Contribute to our garden or get inspiration for your own!:

Garden Items Frequently Featured:
Rain Water Barrel:
Wood Raised Garden Beds:
Grow Bags:
Tomato Cages:
Garden Mesh Netting Kit:
Adjustable Shelf (Used for seedling set up):
Grow Lights:

*above items are amazon affiliate links*

For business inquires ONLY:


  1. Don’t kale my vibe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that cracked me up more than it should have

  2. I'm in AZ I planted potatoes almost 2 months ago, garlic at the end of Oct. I've planted 10 roman lattes have 8 plants still gowning been picking off and letting grow. Onions I planted about a month ago. all my spices are still in good shape from mid summer move I got to planter boxes with wheels so I could move them close to house when it's hot. Tomato's are doing great, all peppers are doing well have picked about 100 from the 6 plants I have been cutting and freezing so should have what I hope will last the summer. my daughter and I eat a ton of fresh or frozen. I still have 9 jars of sauce, and 10 lazy Mom meals I threw to gather for those days I don't want cook . I love grading and I know I will enjoy the new channel. you plants look great. sorry I kind of just run on.

  3. I love watching your gardening. My favorite thing you have grown is pumpkins. I was so impressed

  4. This is what I love about you. Your not afraid of trying something new. Sometimes experimenting gets the best results:)

  5. I love it!!! I have a question that you may not know. I have some potatoes that have more than sprouted, they have roots! Do you know if I can plant them? They smell like dirt. πŸ€”

  6. Love your plant and garden videos! Excited to see how the potatoes do in the grow bags. Keep us updated!

  7. I've been trying to get back into gardening for a year now! I live in an apartement with a patio, unsure of how much succes I will have but i think why not gardening might for me, I like the low pressure to have success and just do it for fun:)

  8. Subscribed 01-13-23 πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ I’m here from your main channel 😊

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