Gardening Supplies


Have you ever wondered how your food was grown? Our family farms 80 acres of vegetables in the USA and would be happy to show you!

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We farm over 400 acres here in north east Pennsylvania, but 80 of those acres are strictly vegetables. Come take a look and see how our family works together to bring in the harvest!
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#harvest #vegetables #gardening


  1. Next time you need to screw pallets together with screws, get marking paint and mark them as you go. Use different colors each year. A little prevention will save a ton of time finding screw heads. Trick I learned putting up temporary structures for take down.

  2. Y'all need to be wearing masks when moving that manure with the shovel or machine! It can cause serious lung infections! My daughter got one while working at a zoo. She was only driving the train for the visitors. Just some info. Would hate for y'all to get sick. That chicken was so funny!

  3. I know you guys are veggie boys & girls but you seem to sell a bit of meat too. Why is this rarely mentioned? No I don’t want to see butchering but an acknowledgment of what you sell would be nice from time to time. If not I do love the channel as is. You guys do a nice job of portraying real farm life. It’s great that your whole family pitches in

  4. Callie you’re adorable. Your “Moo” was on target darling baby girl. Andrew and Lauren, Happy Anniversary. Andrew, don’t blink ever because the fun stuff starts now. Wait for all the new stuff that Callie will be saying and doing. You “Big Boys” and Grandpa have your hands full from here on out. Lauren, Mimi and Grammy will get to guide her and help her and you guys job will be to protect her and keep her out of trouble and very active. Soon enough she will want to go out with you and help Grandpa drive the tractor and also help you plant the plants and veggies. Later on you can have her help harvest because if she helps plant and harvest and everything in between she will never give you an issue in eating because she planted it or helped out to plant it.

  5. Do you want to, at one point, put up another greenhouse/storage shed, a big one. That can store the equipment in and not have to move around. It would probably free up time.

  6. Did you chase a chicken with a skidloader? Cause it looked like you were chasing a chicken with a skidloader. 😂

  7. I'd like to see more of the kitties, since we recently lost ours and I miss him.

  8. A farmer isn't just a farmer. He's a jack of all trades. Amazing.
    Oh my goodness she's getting so big. "Moooo"

  9. When you have to remake the pallet fence, try spraying the screw head with a bright spot of paint so it is easier to find.

  10. Just a suggestion, if you use color coded screws you will be able to see them easier to remove them. 🐕🐈🐴🐄🐂🦌🐖🐿🐓🦃🪿

  11. So regarding the cattle that are born on the farm and pasture raised and raised on their mothers milk and not formula, will that be specifically labeled? I’ll drive the 3 hours each way for that beef! I’d even buy a freezer to fill up with that beef and pay top dollar for it! Eating healthy animals makes for healthy people. Eating sick animals makes for sick people.

  12. Love you videos I passed by the farm all the time nobody's ever out when do you have time to do your videos I never see anybody? 😂👍

  13. Tell your Dad thanks for me. We don’t get much cold weather in south Louisiana but we had a few nights in the teens. Harvested a few cabbages after that and the difference in sweetness was huge. Love your channel. Glad to see a family run farm (like ours) that understands that diversifying is the key to saving the family farm!

  14. As I sit here smiling knowing all of you are OK , and taking good care of the Farm . love the calves bopping around being happy . Thank You Andrew !

  15. Do you guys not ever worry about the amount of dust you're breathing in? I watch and I think, I'd be needing an ambulance just from feeding the animals, granted I'm asthmatic, but even so. That's a lot of dust you guys are exposed to.

  16. The smell of rotten potatoes can make you puke. And it always seems to catch you by surprise.

  17. Love your videos ,I have shown my grandchildren , they say I missed my calling. I should have been a farmer lol

  18. You really need knowledgeable people to run a farm correctly. Great job all. I also think the grandmother is a big asset to the business.

  19. That chicken is just a hoot to watch. She is determined to stake her claim on this greenhouse no matter how many machines you bring in.

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