Gardening Supplies

DIY plant based fertilizer for seedlings: fights algae and fungus, encourages growth!

Learn to make your own seed starting fertilizer! We steep a tea made from chamomile, stinging nettle, cinnamon (and optional: manure) that’s designed to fight algae and fungal disease and provide nitrogen for growth. We also discuss how this may affect mycorrhizae and how we adjust for that before planting out.

A couple things I forgot to mention in the video:
1) Apply weekly (dilution of 1:10)
2) Start using once seedlings exhibit their first set of true leaves
3) Store leftover fertilizer in a closed container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks

You can adjust the quantity as needed!

We started making our own fertilizer after learning about the PFAS contamination that was happening in liquids stored in fluorinated HDPE containers (you can find more info on that here:

1.25 gallons hot water
2 cups stinging nettle, dried
1 cup chamomile flowers, dried
2-3 sticks cinnamon
optional: handful of sheep or bunny manure (about 1/2 to 1 cup)

Steep overnight. Dilute at 1:10 for young seedlings, 1:5 for more established seedlings. Store leftover in the fridge in a glass container for up to 2 weeks.



  1. LIKEπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’’πŸ’―πŸ’’πŸ’―πŸ’’πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©

  2. Once diluted your recipe would yield, once diluted, about 25 gallons of ready to use fertilizer. That's a lot and amounts to pennies per liter… Do you keep it the freezer until ready to dilute? Vermicompost subbed for bunny poop and alfalfa pellets for stinging nettles is what I have on hand. I'm trying this. Thank you.

  3. Awesome information, thank you!! I’m in SoCal, and nettles are abundant right now. I just started drying them to have throughout the year. I couldn’t find any info regarding ratio 😊
    PS: you can dry them in your air fryer!

  4. I love love love how you give the complete picture of what happens when we do something that is not eco friendly
    My feeling is that so many people have been mislead on what is good for the environment and why that most of us would do better if educated And you are doing an excellent job of that,I look forward to learning more

  5. I have used this since you posted the recipe a few months ago – and it REALLY works! Thank you so so much for all you share about how to grow flowers and take care of the soil while we do it! I get so so so much out of your videos πŸ˜‰ Love from Georgia – Joy

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