Gardening Supplies

Check our Home Depot selection of vegetables and flower seeds 2023

Check out Home Depot selection of Vegetable and flower seeds


  1. I'm about to get dinner going in my instant pot! Ear hustling about seeds ❀️

  2. I was not expecting a neffex song in a seed video ! πŸ’ͺ I rock out to these jams on my walks when I'm tired and wanna quit!!! Nope!!! Not today! Keep going!!!

  3. Oh the excitement I had as soon as I saw it was a fellow Jerzian with seeds a Home Depot 😁. I never see seeds in Jan here. I’m so ready to get my Tomatoes and peppers going inside. And thank you for the classical tunes

  4. Well at least the seeds are still the same and reasonable. I’m trying to not buy any starts. I’m sure they are like $4 each as last year.

  5. Heyyyy Fam ! Had fun shopping with you! I use to LOVE when my grandpa grew Silver Queen Corn (i think thats the name, it was all white). Garden grown food is so much tastier ! I might attempt a flower garden this year! πŸ’• Enjoyed this! Have a blessed day! πŸ’•πŸ’•

  6. Great garden teaser there Joe!! All those varieties of corn make me wish i was better at
    growing it !! Love seeing those Super Sweet 100 tomato seeds though!!
    I wish burpees seeds on their website was that cheap!! Too bad they was playing music
    in the background!! I'd imagine Lowes will probably be putting there's out soon if they
    dont already have it set up!! Gotta tell myself i don't need anymore seeds!!
    Have a good'nnn

  7. That’s a great selection! I think it’s amazing how many more, and much larger Seed displays are. Like over the last five years, they’ve doubled in size! Lots more people gardening! Yay!

  8. Being in upstate NY we have to wait until the beginning of February before we see any seeds and even later in the hardware stores. Can't wait to see what's new.

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