Garden Plans

Transplanting a MASSIVE Peony and Trying to Beat the Weather! 🌧 :: Gardening in January

“Into every garden a little rain must fall.” -unknown

Welcome! Join me today while I try to beat the coming storm and get a HUGE peony transplanted! We have had weeks on end of rain here in Northern California, so the only way I can get any gardening done is to try to fit it in between incoming storms! Wish me luck! 🌧 Enjoy!

What I use in all my planting holes! 👇🏼
EB Stone Sure Start:

The Auger I’m Using: 👇🏼
Power Planter Bulb Auger & Bedding Plant Tool:

————M Y L I N K S————

E M A I L:
I N S T A G R A M:
M E R C H A N D I S E:
W E B S I T E:

————A F F I L I A T E L I N K S————

Use code DIGPLANTWATERREPEAT5 for 5% off at the
✨Epic Gardening Garden Store! :

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!

@powerplanterinc.2967 @ebstoneorganics5265


  1. Hey Janey, what a coincidence. I just planted my raspberry sundae peony roots today, just as an experiment to see how it does. My climate isn't the right one for it, but I couldn't resist trying after watching your peony for hot climates vid. Can't wait to see how your other ones do this spring and if ice really helps!

  2. Peonies look delicate but are tough plants; you’re giving it HOPE of survival! (My mom moved her 50+ year old plants from Illinois to Michigan.) Uggg…that landscape fabric, someday it will all be gone!

  3. Hoping the ‘Memorial Peonies’ take the transplant well. Since you’re/we’re stuck inside, maybe you could make little sign’s for those two plants. It would be nice to put out markers ‘XXX’s Peony’. 🙏

  4. Gotta garden when you can. I've held off watering before because of forecasted rain that never came. I don't do that anymore.

  5. Hi Janey, you should have divided the big peony ( its easy – every bit of a Peony root, makes new plants ) while the clump was up, you could have divided it and make the changes for this one to survive… about your peas, please note that you have to pick the blooms constantly for the plant to continue blooming, with the first pea pod, the plant will slow down and stop produce flowers… Janey, you need some rain clothes, jacket and pants and a extra pair of rain boots for when you didn’t clean them off after use, you have a second pair to use. I get that rain storm, lighting and ruff weather like that, isn’t a weather to be out in, but seriously, the drisling, normal rainfall is actually a great weather to plant, seed or transplant. That way the plant has water straight away. Transplanted plant don’t get as stressed out and so on… I get it’s muddy and uncomfortable, unreal and not something you are use to, but actually you are blessed with water and life for your garden, and to gardening! Since it’s not cold cold like here in the north/Scandinavia you are fortune that you can garden at this time a year, and now with help with water… try think of it as a change of the way you think of doing gardening! I love planting/doing garden work in the rain in the spring and summer. Weeding especially is so easy when it’s wet.. please help yourself and get some right tools for each job😂 😘 sorry I’m not trying to be mean, but seeing you dig that hole first with the little drill / auger, and then digging with your hand trowel was excruciating 🫣😂 but you eventually got the big trowel out! I bet that made it go faster…. 😘 by the way, about the peas… cut them a bit now when they are young, small, to make them branch out and make for a bigger, stronger and more flowering plants.. looking forward to seeing how everything unfold in the spring 🙏🏽It’s soon here… yeah!! Thank you for sharing!! ❤️

  6. I got a few things from my grandpa's garden, and I love how they're just a regular reminder of a beloved family member, so it's lovely that you're trying to save the peonies and place them so your neighbors can enjoy them, too.

    I did not realize your landscape fabric issue spread to the other side of the fence, too! I have long since pulled up the little bit of landscape fabric left by the previous owners of my house, and it's such a gross, annoying chore!

  7. We have to split and divide our peonies all the time. They do fine. I love that you are being so kind and displaying the peonies where the neighbors can see them. I try and gift plants with loved ones names if possible. I gifted a clematis named Anna to my neighbor that had her baby and named her Anna. I have a friend who's Grandmother named Delores dies and then she recently bought a house from a woman moving into a nursing home and her name is Delores. When spring comes I am buying her that for her front garden bed.

  8. Hi Janey 🌺 It is beautiful memory from your neighbors mam, I hope your peonies grow well and bloom in spring . Have anice day. 🌻🌺🌻

  9. Good Tuesday morning Janey. The peonies look absolutely lovely – not bad for January. Thanks for sharing another great Gardening Video. 🌹🌻

  10. I wish you had taken that opportunity to divide that peony. I’d love to know how to do that. Love following your master class journey

  11. 15 years ago I moved a peony from my first garden to my now existing garden. As a new gardener I planted it to deep and it didn’t bloom. I was at the farmers market and there was a master gardener handing out information. I asked her, and she told me it could be to deep. I moved it up and it bloomed the next year. Woohoo , it now has bloomed for the last 14 years. You will never know the information you provide to others how small can make a world of difference. Thanks for sharing and encouraging others! 🌼🐝

  12. Janey, I'm in zone 9 Southern Texas and my neighbor has 3 peonies in pots. They have been thriving for years. She does put ice on them also.

  13. Definitely should have divided the massive peony clump. You would then have 2 or 3 to plant, and 1 to pot up to give away. It's dormant, still not too late to redig, split and replant.

  14. I am just thrilled you are out making videos! 💕 and you're so super sweet to plant the peonies so your neighbors can see and enjoy them! I can imagine how you feel getting all the rain.. but I am truly thankful you're out doing stuff in the garden every chance you get! Keep being upbeat and positive! I am very thankful for you..stay safe 🙏 ❤

  15. I've never seen a yellow peony and would love to see this plant in blossom – time for faith in plants just wanting to grow. I think I get so caught up in what the rules for planting are that I forget faith and intuition when gardening. Janey you are doing a great job working around the rain.

  16. My mom was an avid gardener, I live in her home after inheriting it in '05. I know for sure her Peonies are every bit 43 yrs old. By the way, really nice trellis along the fence.

  17. That is really sweet of you to plant the peony where your neighbors will be able to see it every day & remember her. Here in the rainy PNW, I have my stash of rain boots and raincoats to work in the yard. No watering needed when planting! I just bought one of your hoodies to keep me warm out in the yard. So cute! Stay safe with those storms coming through!

  18. How fun to receive peonies or other plants from the families! I hope they thrive for you so everyone will be able to enjoy their beauty! Go Janey! ♥️

  19. Hi Janey, can you let me know the variety of Chinese Fringe flower in your front garden? there are so many different variety of Loropetalum and I ordered the wrong one which has green leaves.

  20. What an absolute lovely tribute to the loved ones who passed, and to those grieving will see those beautiful plants! Tears of sorrow will turn to tears of remembrance and love. How incredibly kind & gracious of you!!

  21. I'm sure the peonies will be beautiful! What a nice thing to do for your neighbors! ☔M

  22. You have become part of my morning routine! I love watching your video while getting ready for work! Question Janey, have you or would you ever consider purchasing more land to expand your gardening channel?

  23. Shouldn't stress about it, I got give a rooted cutting of a peony from my son's neighbour before she passed away and I divided it into three.They flowered,two were red and on was pink, strange how that happened because was supposed to be red ♥️🙏

  24. Don't let the rain slow you down. We get 8 or 9 months of it here in the Pacific NW and I have learned to embrace it. I just dress appropriately and carry on. Love your videos.

  25. Loved all those transplanted plants!!
    I’m getting ready to transplant a gardenia and bouganvillea in my garden these days, here in Uruguay its summer now, and I have to stay on top of watering because of the drought.
    I was thinking that maybe you could spray paint a piece of the chicken wire paneling (so it matches your fence), and hang it on the fence so sweet peas can climb on it.

  26. I bet that peony will bloom just fine. It needs Bio-tone now and Rose-tone when it breaks dormancy I swear by these products. Love the placement so your neighbors can see there Mom's flowers that's so sweet!

  27. Hi Janey, I have many peonies. Tree peonies, Itoh peonies and the standard herbaceous. I have never divided them and they all do great. The Bartzella was my first Itoh peony and is still my favorite. Bonny zone 5b

  28. I think thats awesome that theyll be able to see them in their way home each spring! That was a massive peony!
    My mom bought a house about 12 years ago, that had peonies on the property & they have gotten so much larger since when they first moved in!
    I purchased about 20 peonies the first year I started my Cut Flower Farm & planted them in the back of my old vegetable garden. I didn't use landscape fabric or anything & the last couple years, I've gotten got SOOOO tired of weeding a huge 20 foot x 10 foot area all season, for 20 plants that only bloom a week out of the year!, so this fall I transplanted them to an area in the front of my property where I am working on creating a natural border/meadow-y area (that I don't plan on weeding) I'm hoping they still bloom this year but I'm OK with it if they don't.
    Yea landscape fabric isn't good for flowerbeds that are ever-changing. It's mainly for formal gardens where they plant hedges & shrubs & keep them there & don't plant new things, change things, or plant annuals.

  29. A yellow peony…wow! We moved and I couldn’t leave my fern peonies behind so they both came with us. They hate to be moved too but have done very well…I hope the same for yours. By the way I love how you say “ I hope you are able to get into your garden today! “ that’s a perfect ending!🇨🇦

  30. I can't wait to see the peonies grow and bloom! I think you found the perfect spot for them. Kudos to you for getting outside and gardening!

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