Backyard Garden

Florida is getting cold y’all. 3- tips on how to keep your tropical plants safe from the frost.

🥶 Floridians its getting cold outside! 3- Tips on how I protect my tropical gardens from the frost.

Plant Row Cover, Garden Cover 10×50 Ft(1.05 oz/yd²), Winter Plant Floating Board, Vegetable Antifreeze and Anti-Frost Blanket, Used Protect Plants in Winter, Antifreeze, Sunscreen and Pests


  1. Awesome job on the intro! I few suggestions for the intro if you don't me saying. Never ever use low quality pictures! Some of the pics in your intro are very blurry. Your talented work deserves to be seen in HD! Also whenever you are going to showcase an area for more than half a second use a clip of the area that is slowly panning. ❤

  2. I noticed you use a lot of succulents in your gardens (almost like CA gardens), can you do a video on Florida-friendly succulents at some point?

  3. Thank you Jennifer for very valuable information! love your videos. Would like to know how to fertilize plants. Thanks!💖💖💖

  4. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. So kind of you and much appreciated! Your landscape designs are beautiful.

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