Gardening Supplies

10 Items To HOARD NOW! Things You May NOT THINK Of – Before It's Too LATE.

Hey y’all! Today’s video is all about STOCKPILING and Hoarding! Wait.. I Thought that was bad! Well not these things. Once you get your food and normal preps done, it may be time to be innovative and grab things you may have forgot!
#themacs #survival #prepper #foodshortage #shtf #stockpile #food #shortage

Video about first aid and personal hospital!
Items You NEED NOW | Building An Emergency Survival Hospital And First Aid (MUST WATCH)

Want Survival Prescriptions Antibiotics To Place In Your PREPPING Supply? Don’t be Caught OFF GUARD. Get Your antibiotics TODAY
Jase Medical:

Water Storage Options:

The Official Clothing of The Mac’s! Want Great Fall or Christmas Gifts??? Check This out: Flag and Athem!

Want Personalize Official T Shirts and MERCH of THE MAC’S Check out these Freedom LOVING Shirt designs

The Official Coffee Of The Mac’s ! Start Your Day Off Right!

Harvest Right Freeze Dryers:

Want a SOLAR Option for Off Grid Living or Just A Solar Generator?? Check THIS OUT.
Bluetti Solar and Battery System: (EXTRA DISCOUNT )

Here is a link to our amazon store (NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!!) of some of the items we use around the farm:

Pressure Canning Your Gardens and Meat?? Check out FOR JARS CANNING LIDS

Pecron Solar (The Easiest Little Battery Backup Solar Generator EVER)
Extra discount code for savings THEMAC1

Flashlight of Champions
10 percent off: themacs


Dont Know what Seeds you NEED or want to start a garden?? NO WORRIES! Check out our Survival Seeds Heirloom Kits! This is a GAMECHANGER!

Worry about Food Sustainability??? Cant Grow Big Gardens or Raise your Own Meat??? Look at this link and prep with this! We Believe in being ready for ANYTHING

Need Fencing or Tools? Check out these guys! Use Promo code also
Promo code: themacs (Check out discount 10% off!)

Shop Azure Standard:

Music Licensure Provided by Epidemic Sound

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~happy homesteading y’all~


  1. I'm in Oregon and the banks are throwing people out of there home's we're in very cold winter with more snow coming these families are filling up the city parks and we have never herd guns going off threw the night tell this year. So much anger in our rich retirement town. We go down to take at least six sack meal's to get them there the weekend and when we pulled in we were in shock oh my god please help these people. We found a area of six on our way out asked if they had eaten and no we gave them a nice filled bag and left in fear if others running for food. We do this so no food in our place goes to waist . Bread doesn't last long and I have to many jars with crumbs. We already gave out all ten sleeping bags and three tent's. I thing God ask because we are given more then we give out. If this is how it works we just fallow our hearts and the voice of when. We get much greater back. If anyone knows this it's like that slow down call out to you right now so you take your foot off the gas and break a little and bam a big deer jumps out. If I didn't slow it would of been bad with the grandkids. So do you believe. Then get ready gods people are telling you to.

  2. Hi.yea.i walk many miles a week
    I get free nuts bolts.screws.nails.wire.rubber items.i even pick up metal.hey I get jewelry too.etc.there a nice store.under your feet.lord bless you an family..

  3. Restore sells tools for a couple of bucks or less. Some are older quality too. Contractors donate leftover nails etc and they are half the cost of retail.

  4. My husband bought my daughter a toolbox for Christmas and filled with all the basic tools.

  5. My oldest daughter bought me some thermo socks for christimas and a sub zero sleeping bag, because they worry about me being cold. I just installed a new woodstove, better than the older one.

  6. I will forever be indebted to you, you’ve changed my whole life, I’ll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear. You’ve saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, thank you so much Mrs Anna Tayhlor

  7. Cinder blocks set up with an oven rack in your yard becomes a place to cook.
    Metal cans, candlewicking purchased at Michaels or JoAnn's, tie a piece around a bolt and place it in metal can, pour in melted crisco, you will have a candle.
    Many of those beans you purchased can be planted in your yard. If you are planting a garden let many plants go to seed. They will winter over. Especially tomatoes.

  8. Good Ideas! I live in a rural area and grew up that way. Most of this stuff can be found at thrift stores, Goodwill, etc. Estate auctions……I have buckets of screws, nails, pipe, and fittings. A lot of folks give the stuff away! Bibles…….I have collected and given away for years, So Much Wisdom! I was a combat medic also at one time and Boy Scout…….Be Prepared

  9. Hi friends……….Other items that can be very helpful to have on hand are dryer sheets. Did you know that fresh dryer sheets make very good mosquito repellant?? Just put a sheet in the hand pockets of your coats or jackets. Also, after the sheets are used for laundry purposes, they make great fire starters and let's not forget the benefits of having baking soda on hand. So many uses for that, as well. 👍🙂 💕 Tammy Lynn Schulz.

  10. What brand of socks did your wife buy please. Looking for good socks. Coffee filters are good to drain bacon on or other meats. Get paper bags at the grocery store. Also good to wrap meats, that you may have shot or trapped. Save, empty bottles for other storage.

  11. He was talking about having coffee filters I use coffee filters they're very handy and bread ties you can save up your old styrofoam cups or some big cans and connect them either with some string or with each other and use them to hold the coffee filter on wrap them around rubber bands don't work because the oil deteriorates them and you can filter your own cooking oil and it will come out like brand new and then pour it back in the bottle and you can reuse it until it's used up works great

  12. Dryer lent in ziplock bags for emergency fire starter. Brass garden hose connectors, male and female. Duct tape. Matches and other fire starting materials. Hurricane lamps and kerosene. Alternative camp stoves for cooking. Flashlights 🔦. Rain gear.

  13. Thank you for always sharing. Been stocking up for a couple years now. But you always seem to give a couple items I didn’t think of. So thank you for that. I subscribed just a week ago and I’m enjoying all your videos and taking heed to stock up more. Much love from North Carolina😊

  14. The main thing about your electrical learn how to properly turn it off so if you have a problem you know when and where to shut it down quickly and if you want to work On something you know how to safely have it shut off And if you trip a breaker you'll know where and what to do very simple to learn

  15. Save your dryer lint that with Vaseline make for the best fire starter Just a few sparks and it's burning

  16. In the colonial era most farmers wore wooden shoes in the barn- because it protected leather shoes from rotting. Manure and garden soil are FULL of mircrobes that will devour your leather shoes unless you are meticulous about cleaning the crevices and stitching. We have rubber boots now but when things get tough shoes will be expensive and hard to acquire economically. Kids used to go barefoot for the same reasons…thus endeth the lesson.

  17. Coffee filters make good toilet paper, just don't flush them 🙂 I have used them for sandwich plates and also as paper towels. If you own livestock, get a good solid supply of penicillin and Double strength sulfa. Those are broad spectrum anti biotics if you aren't allergic to them. I bought mine 500 tabs at a time, you can use on the animals too. Keep meds in a cool dry place, they may weaken a little but they are good way way beyond the expiration date. Keep distilled water on hand to clean wounds. You can also buy surgical tools and suturing kits online , if your vrt is a good source ask to buy from them. Get Maalox or Mylanta, raw hunny and betadine. There is a skin treatment you can make with it. I'll stop here. Remember to invest in some non electrical tools and what my granny called coal oil lights. Is you really want to learn what it takes to live hard, get up into those Appalachian mountains and talk to the old folks, they don't even have to be real old, 50s and 60s will do.

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