Vegetable Gardening

25 Survival Vegetables To Grow In Your Apartment (pt1)

In this video, we’ll discuss 25 plants you can easily grow in your apartment which will serve as a way to supplement your food supply during an emergency situation. Please consider subscribing to my newsletter by clicking here if you’d like to receive exclusive updates and content.

Link to nutrient-dense plants:

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  1. This video is very helpful and informative. Thanks so much for sharing!💚🤗🌱🌿

  2. This is so helpful because light is my issue we have a balcony but there is never alot of light that hits it and we have winter and cold spring

  3. Thank you so much! I dream of having a home garden to grow food for my family but I'm in an apartment with little natural light. I'm going to start my indoor garden!

  4. Good video for this day and age! I've just ordered a pack of 20 different vegetables, now I need to work out what I'm missing! 🙂 Preparing for what's coming!

  5. I would really love to grow something, sadly I dont have a garden space or even a balcony. Just indoor space. but it seem that some plants still grow indoors.

  6. In my opinion best survival crops to grow are:

    Perennials grow once and eat them for a long time

    Sweet potatoes – you can eat the tubers, they are a perennnial, leaves can be stir fried with garlic taste better than spinach

    Tree collards, the perennial 10 year kind – grows all year here in ca doesn’t go dormant in winter. can juice stir fry a little tree with lots of kale like leafs you can make chips and juice it.

    Pigeon peas- I didn’t know how delicious this one is a perennial growing pea tree grows hundreds of peas that taste so sweet and yummy

    Morninga- if u have snow grow in pot so u can bring in doors it is one of the most nutritious plant leaves out there I take this like my multivitamin, seeds can been eaten also can be used to purify water, I watched a documentary on Africa where the hospitals had no medicine but gave these to very I’ll kids and they recovered because it had so much nutrition another reason they call this the miracle tree – you can search the term

    Experimenting the Madagascar bean also known as the calico bean can grow seven years , chestnut like tasting beans, also know as the calico bean u just throw one of the seed pods in the ground and it will grow another plant for 7 years, still learning about this one

    Gynura – purple one taste better and sweet it survives all year in ca through winter. I use it for stir fry and also between my sandwiches a perennial bush easy to grow not much pest problems

    Good luck on your survival garden!!

  7. The kratky method is a version of hydroponics and it means it does not need soil or air filtration system. You only need a plastic bucket with a lid, the plant or seed, water and water nutrients. that is it

  8. Thanks for this video. Lived in apartments all my life and can't afford a home at current prices. Nice to see someone is thinking about us. Will try many of your suggestions. Not many people are thinking about helping us urban people to survive.

  9. Porcelain 😄😄😄. We never really planted it but it was always there in the backyard farm at my grandmother's. I used to love it's taste.

  10. See Part 2??? Maybe if you quit with the Blaaah blaaah blaaah until 6 minutes, you wouldn't "need" a 2nd video?

  11. Thanks for the excellent source material. I had a live stream on apartment gardening and used your videos for my show prep. Best regards BT

  12. If you grow in a hot area purslane is a tender perennial. Though that could be said for others in the list you made.

  13. I really like how he not just talks about things, but offer suggestions/ideas to actually help. Keep up the good work.

  14. I recently bought specific varieties and special pots to grow veggies in all my southern facing windows because they get full sun all winter. Cherry tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers , bell peppers, herbs, bush beans and green onions. Sprouts are a great addition to that. I've been drying chives since I have tons of them growing outside. I'll have to harvest and dry more herbs.

  15. I have a huge bag of bird seed for keeping the birds fed through winter. I wonder if that's something that could be planted and eaten.

  16. As a truck driver the please stay safe out there at the end drove it hom. We take casualties

  17. It's not a good idea to grow potatoes in potato bags inside? I will google this… just thinking out loud. Awesome video. Thanks for the info.

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