
Gardening tips: Pruning Witch Hazel

Northwest Perennial Alliance. NPA Border Supervisor George Lasch demonstrates how to prune the sucker growth from Witch Hazel, Hamamelis. George honed his skills at Longwood Gardens, RHS Wisley Garden in England and the Missouri Botanical Garden before moving to Seattle. Filmed in the NPA Border at Bellevue Botanical Garden.


  1. thx for the great vid, do you have some information or document how to prune a classic hazel tree (when they are young and older than 10years).
    If you have any informations please write me! Thanks

  2. Just now discovering witch hazel as a decorative plant. Very nice. Reminds me of Japanese maples (overall shape and effect).

  3. Hi, I've got a neighbor who says I can have a cutting, but I have no idea how to root it. Can I just dip it in rooting compound and stick it in the yard? Or, do I need to keep the cutting indoors over winter (out in Forks on the Peninsula). Thanks!

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