
Monsoon Gardening Tips Summer Desert Garden

Today, June 15th marks the first day of Monsoon season here in Arizona. Monsoon season is considered our 2nd spring and a bonus planting season for our gardens. In today’s video I share with you 3 tips for a successful Monsoon garden. If you feel like you planted late, or decided too late to start your garden, now is your chance to get a garden growing!

Monsoon season is all about planting the A,B,C’s Amaranth, beans, corn, and squash. Along with traditional monsoon planting is also our second chance to plant tomatoes from seed for our fall garden. I am so excited to get another chance at tomatoes. Are you planning for your monsoon garden?



  1. Hi Happy Monday! It is great seeing you today. Monsoon Season sounds interesting. Have a great week. Until next time….. Blessings 🌻

  2. My tomato plants are finally flowering!! Eggplant and watermelon looking good! Had to bring my bell pepper plant inside though and it perked up again.

  3. I’m still waiting for squash but the plant looks good. Tomatoes, some are going! 😢 Going to plant Armenian cucumbers and my cucamelons, a little late but i’ll get it done tomorrow!

  4. Thank you so much. This was great information. I am an Idaho transplant and growing here has been a real learning curve for me. I knew nothing about "Monsoon" gardens but will be ripping some things out and starting some other things. I was just over (yesterday) to native seed search but some of their stuff was out of stock. I have some things that I will be trying from Baker Creek and Johnny Seeds. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Another very informative video. My question is about corn. How close or far apart should they be?

  6. Thank you for sharing 😊 I am born and raised in Arizona but this is my first year getting serious about my garden. I just placed my first order from Native Seed Search! I am so excited for a second chance on my tomatoes. I got a bunch from Abbey Lee Farms when they were giving away starter sets. I am not getting much fruit at all and what is coming on seems to have blossom end rot. I am looking forward to starting fresh!

  7. I planted late for the first round but my tomatoes are producing. Everything else is just sitting there. This video made me so excited about the garden again. Good thing we get second chances thanks to our weather. I’m going to start plant new cucumbers, eggplant, and peppers. Any suggestions on peppers? Maybe a peppers video? Thanks

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