
The Problem with Druids in D&D

Druids are DnD’s nature casters, but they have a reputation for being a troubled D&D class, so what’s up with Druids?

Check out the Circle of the City HERE!

Video Editing by the amazing Bia:
Writing, Illustration, and Narration by me:
Additional sketches by the amazing Fey:


  1. Can you feel your heart burning? 😁 Can you feel the struggle within? 😜 The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. 🥰 You cannot kill me in a way that matters. 🤗❤

  2. I… have heard of the urban ranger before. It's more of a shadowrun thing, sure. Cause tending to rats and feeding out of dumpsters isnt… that magical i guess?
    But then again, shadowrun also just views magic in a different way anyhow.

  3. Druids and bards have such a soft spot in my heart, even if they dont ever master their kits theyre just so versatile and solid throughoit. Sometimes a bard isnt stealthy enough and you need an actual rogue, and sometimes another spellbook has a solution gours doesnt, but I know I can always fall back to their alternatives for a similar but actually streamlined experience.

    If I'm going in 'blind' in 5e, bard and druid are top of the list alongside cleric.

    The chaotic neutral class (player personality) for sure. Just playing it is a wonderful cacophony of chaos

  4. One if my new players chose owlkin druid and finally after months used her animalshape for thr first time. She was new snd only cast spells but now as a bear she's my 2nd highest consistent damage dealer and she's very happy lol

  5. I made a circle of the moon, war wizard druid thats a plasmoid. I would wild shape but would flavor it as my races natural ability and used arcane deflection and mage armor to make my forms tankier. Using magic missile and more arcane spells as my damage. It made druid a bit different and moon druid more fun. Took longer to get the big forms but wild elemental with mage armor is fun.

    Also made a spore druid that was a warforge but it was flavored the spores inhabited a dead warforge and became the colony.

  6. I feel like druids are critical to most D&D settings, without them, a lot of ridiculous monster shit runs amok. With them, the whole forest becomes their enemy. Snitching wherever the "bad guys" are from every forest critter around to lay eyes on them.

  7. As a big druid fan, Wildfire is my personal favorite. Destructive powers and disasters feel like an untapped theme for druids. A druid that represents extinction events could be fun as a new spin.

  8. Maybe is because I'm from Brazil countryside (yeah I know what "nature" means)…. I realy do not enjoy the druid classical idea, for me conservation is a monetery thing so I rather a politician fighter who cares abouth the environment then a hippie/ collegue student

  9. I've had this idea a while ago for a Circle of Stone, that sees the mountains and whole continents as "alive" and treats biological life as fleeting and insignificant in the comparison. When you started speaking of going against the stereotypical hippie druid that won't touch metal I thought you'd go in that direction.

  10. What is this anime used as reference for solar punk? Looks really cool!
    Is it just a Chobani ad?

  11. Still hoping for Circle of the Chimera to become a thing.
    The idea of a Druid combining animal traits is so cool to me. Dunno how one could possibly balance the incalculable creations the player base would concoct, but a man can dream

  12. I'm playing a Dragonborn Stars Druid right now as the super utility in a player party of which three characters can cast at least one healing spell. It's a lot of fun! The other four are: Barb/Fighter, Fighter, stabby Bard, and Bard/Cleric. The two bards are twins.

  13. i just started playing a kobold shepard druid in a mech campaign, and i'm playing it like a tech priest, summoning machine spirit totems

  14. An idea for a druid subclass i had was something like a "circle of the essence" (originally blood, but it doesn't give flexibility that way), the idea is that this druids can take the life force from other beings and use them to buff themselves, one of their abilities being dealing a minor amount of damage to all creatures around them and getting extra AC and hit/damage rolls for a short duration, they could also trigger this extra power using their own life or another willing creature's life

    Originally the wild shape was a beast of blood with the druid inside but again, that destroys flexibility

    All the idea of this circle is to not only use the plant side of nature but the full essence of life that cones with all of nature, maybe even get different effects depending on the life force stolen, i have to think about it a little more

  15. I just found some concecpts that – to me – are very interesting: games like Guild Wars 2 (Reaper spec for necromancer), Allods (with the demonologist archtype) and Dungeon Fighter Online (Avenger class) sold the idea of a hellish druidlike class that shapeshift into demonic creatures and I found that pretty cool.

  16. Hearing Anthony gush over Circle of Stars is pretty much me when I was choosing my first Druid subclass. All I heard before was "Ooooh Circle of the Moon is so good! Use it!" but here I am with Stars like "Yes that one is good, but I prefer this one.". Also Circle of the Moon keeps making me think of that hard Castlevania game for the GBA.

  17. I love that you and I are thinking along the same lines about Druids and how they would run a society. I’m going to check out your post, as Druids are my favorite class next to Fighter.

  18. I always find it funny when civilization is put as the opposite of nature, as if it wasn't natural for people to invent, build and progress. The "druids will not wear metal armor" line is dumb because metal is 1. a natural part of the world, and 2. metal armor is made with through creativity and invention, which are traits inherent and natural for people. Looking at it like that, druids actually reject part of nature and thus can't be drawing their magic from nature, but something else. Perhaps something far older than nature itself?

  19. But Cosmic Omen does have a cap, its tied to prof bonus per long rest. Also, why would anyone assume wild shape creatures have magical attacks unless it says so in the creature stat block. I don't feel like you've played much druid, or even remotely like them mechanically. Druid isn't hard, and you don't need the "wrinkliest brain known to man" but just sitting down, and reading the class to understand. Just ask your DM for help, they're usually going to say yes and set up some time to help explain. I usually like your content, but this one is just bad to me.

  20. Wizard isn’t the hardest because of the amount of spells. It’s the hardest because you’re squishier than a balloon full of pudding

  21. The problem with druids is a misleading title. Most of the video is not a criticism but an overview of the class. Basically a time waster vid. We can read the books

  22. A boss monster? No, 3.5 you're a boss monster, 5e…you're…aight.
    But all those 'difficulties' with druid are…not. Everything is easy in 5e compared to almost every other ttrpg out there.

  23. Your document on the urban druid doesn't have any way to provide input, so here we are.

    Level 2, Terrain Tactician. What is "temporary healing"? Do you mean temporary hit points, or fast healing? (I'm assuming temporary hit points, based on the next ability.) What if the character already has a skill that is being gained by their terrain? Do you actually mean for them to gain a new pool of temporary hit points at the start of each turn, or only *theirs*?

    Level 10, Teeming Terrain: Increasing the dice a single step is not as much an increase at this level as it might sound. It only raises the average gain by 1. Perhaps instead increase the radius of Land's Spoils, and make the level 2 dice scale like how cantrips do? That would have the dice involved get larger at levels 5, 11, and 17.

    I really like the capstone ability. It makes me wonder if there are any spells that would interact with this.

  24. The channel "Andrewism" has some fantastic videos on solarpunk for those that want to learn more about it btw.

  25. Gracie's sentience is probably her code adapting to the forest encroaching on her manor grounds.

  26. I'm sad no one has brought back the urban druids from 3.5 dragon magazine/dragon compendium. Having an animated pot as a animal companion was fun.

  27. I have a gladiator moon druid concept. It doesn't change the concept much, but it's still a small variation in the typical nature lovers format. Right there, just a child of the arena with a talent for natural magic, but relying more on his transformation.

  28. I believe dream come from the most common fantasy dream in stories is basically you standing in a prairie.

  29. Druid was my first class and OMG was it frustrating. I almost quit before I started trying to decide which spells to add then understand them. Then there was the wild shape hook which was pretty worthless at lower levels due to not being able to change into anything combat ready. It was cool turning into a spider to slip under a door to open from the inside or scout out some hidden enemies.

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