Japanese Garden

【ASMR】#日本 京都京都哲學之道與銀閣寺 | #japan Kyoto Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavilion)


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#Silver Pavilion

銀閣寺(Silver Pavilion)是一座優雅的寺廟,坐落在京都東部山區腳下的美麗土地上。它的場地是日本景觀建築的傑出典範。無論是坐在帶有2米銀錐的獨特沙子花園旁邊的平台上,還是從不同的角度走過小徑並瞥見涼亭,人們都會不斷地意識到動人心靈的迷人細節。銀閣寺最初是為室町時代(1338年-1573年)的幕府將軍足利佳正(1436-1490)建造的退休別墅,其姊妹廟金閣寺(金閣)仿照了此建築。然而,銀閣寺從來沒有鍍過銀,而寺廟的主要建築仍然是未上漆的棕色,並且以這種方式體現了日本人的觀念,即平原可以變得美麗。

Yoshimasa將大部分退休時間都花在了這裡,追求藝術,包括茶道。 Togu-do大樓內有一個茶室,人們認為它已成為將來所有茶室的原型。建築物的後方是一條淡水流,吉方在那兒收集水來喝茶。從Togu-do的土地上回望,人們不禁要欣賞這位退休幕府將軍在他最後幾年所追求的精緻美學。



Ginkaku-ji Temple(The Silver Pavilion)
Jisho-ji Temple is better known as Ginkaku-ji (Temple of the Silver Pavilion), a temple belonging to the Buddhist Shokoku School of the Rinzai Zen sect.

Ginkaku-ji Temple (The Silver Pavilion) is an elegant temple set in beautiful grounds at the foot of Kyoto’s eastern mountains. Its grounds are an outstanding example of Japanese landscape architecture. Whether one is sitting on the landing beside the unique sand garden with its 2-metre silver cone, or walking the trail and catching glimpses of the Pavilion from different vantage points, one is constantly aware of the lovely details which move the heart. Originally designed as a retirement villa for the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436-1490) in the Muromachi Period (1338 – 1573), Ginkaku-ji Temple was modeled on its sister temple Kinkaku-ji Temple (the Golden Pavilion). Yet Ginkaku-ji Temple was never plated with silver, and the main temple building remains an unpainted brown–and in its way, exemplifies the Japanese idea that something plain can be beautiful.

Yoshimasa spent much of his retirement here pursuing the arts, including the tea ceremony. The Togu-do building contains within it a tea ceremony room which is thought to have become the prototype for all future tea ceremony rooms. Behind the building is a fresh-water stream where Yoshimasa collected water for his tea. Looking back over the grounds from the Togu-do, one cannot help but admire the refined aesthetic which this retired shogun pursued in his final years.

A few times per year Ginkaku-ji Temple is illuminated in the evening, and all of its elements take on an added, surreal beauty. It must be seen to be believed.

info. https://kyoto.travel/en/shrine_temple/153.html

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