
5 Garden tips in Less than 5 minutes!

Start the timer and let’s go!! Yes 5 common sense useful garden tips in less than 5 minutes. Can Ray do it or will he ramble on and talk for 30 minutes AGAIN?

But seriously, please tune in for these very helpful gardening tips that can help you harvest veggies better, avoid plant pest problems and help you grow bigger, better healthier plants next season! It’s always a good day in the Garden of Ray!

Don’t forget! Join me on Facebook! The 2013 Seed Exchange will be hosted there! Thousands of gardeners will be trading vegetable, flower, herb and ornamental seeds in January!

Be sure to subscribe to my OTHER Youtube channel to be eligible for FREE garden seeds in the Great 2013 FREE Seed Giveaway to be held in January!


  1. I knew that 5 minutes was more of a target than a deadline for you Ray!
    I honestly don't think that you could count to 300 in 5 minutes. I bet you would find something funny about the # 8 that would take us into overtime all by itself! I'm equally as certain that we'd enjoy the tangent anyway! Thanks Ray!

  2. hey, im growing tiny tims, didnt know you did that?! This made my day 🙂 (even if its raining outside)

  3. Ok Im wrong again.. apparently the emulsifiers can be more toxic than the neem . it works great for the darn loopers that "were" eating my brussel sprouts. I use nematoads in the soil so I worry about the effect of oil on and in the soil.

  4. I love your videos! They have helped me tremendously! Keep up the good work and all the awesome info!

  5. I have 2 potted Tabasco plants which I would like to save through the winter. Do you think they'll survive in my basement in front of a window? The temps vary. Daytime temp is about 60-65 in the sunny window, but night temps get down to about 50 degrees. I wish I could bring them in the house but my 2 children would trample them ;-D

  6. I have never heard of a Tabasco plant before. Did you make that up? Sounds cool either way.

  7. My ghost pepper plants look great. However I only have few peppers and the blossoms keep dropping completely off. Do you know what the problem is and how I can fix it before the season is over. Thanks

  8. You mentioned 'save the best' which I agree with, as well it should be ripe or over ripe… Don't you think that if you save the 'earliest' fruit it may make an earlier plant (ie tomato)?
    Also I wanted to send a little thank you for setting a fire under me, earlier this spring, I never plant pepper seeds anymore because it just takes to long, so when I saw you picking fruit in april and March in Minn. in the house…I figured I better start planting…lol ..I have a ton of peppers this year.

  9. great video and great focus Ray and you answered a question my husband needed … he brought in a tomoato plant last fall and boy did we get bugs … i told him… but he did not beleive me so now i can show him this video and we will do what you said
    thanks again
    oh do you have any seeds for this pepper plant
    and also have you done another video on the 20 tomoatoes yet

  10. i just found out this year some pepper plants are perennials if you bring them indoors during winter to protect from frost , have you ever tried to see how long you could keep a pepper plant alive for?

  11. Hi Ray! I still love your vids! Is it Neem oil that you use or something else? What ratio of water to oil do you use? I was reading on the webs that neem oil is very strong so i didn't want to kill my plants. I want to save my strawberries!!! Keep up the fantastic work!

  12. hi Ray, its me again…i have a tomato question, i have to garden in containers and have been fairly successful. the landlord informed me a couple weeks ago that i can no longer have a "mess" in the common courtyard area out front so i moved my 2 San Marzano plants to the back patio where they get less than 4 hours of sun and mostly shade for nearly all the day long (im in So. Ca.) they seem to be reverting to producing fruits is it just that they are in cooler spot and think its spring?

  13. yes im just wondering how long this new production will last. in southern California i thin its got potential to last through the year into next spring.

  14. Thanks much for the great tips. I've been gardening for years, but have learned that there's always something new that can be learned.

  15. Excellent tips. I especially appreciated the bit about watering in the morning versus the evening. That makes a lot of sense. I garden on a terrace, so I can't really attract worms the way you do, but it's good to know. Thanks for sharing all this information with us.

  16. 5 TIPS IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES  is the headline and yet the video is 7 minutes long

  17. Excellent! Short and sweet! Do you have a recommendation for a nicotine sulfate pesticide? Also, I assume the Need/Water mix is 50/50? No soap added? Thanks much, Ray!

  18. I tune in for you and your "hanging out in the garden," not how long or short the video is. Some may not. It's a big world, with room for all.

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