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The Year Ahead 2023: Counting The Cost Of Inflation | Singapore

From higher utility bills to higher food prices, inflation is taking a toll on Singapore’s households and businesses. Four CNA journalists dive into the heart of one of the world’s most expensive cities to seek out the everyday stories of Singaporeans who exemplify the strength, compassion and resilience of the country. But even as the people finally throw off the oppressive burden of COVID-19, they are facing a world riddled with more uncertainties. These include disruptions to some of the resources most critical for their survival. What will the year ahead hold for Singapore as inflation soars to the highest level in more than a decade? Find out what its diverse communities are doing to pull together and ensure that no one is left behind.

About the show:
Four CNA journalists take a closer look at rising cost of living in one of the world’s most expensive city.
#CNAInsider #cnadocumentary #lowincome #elderly #costofliving #budget #money #inflation


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  1. Inflation is producing a slew of problems throughout the world, including food shortages, diesel and heating fuel shortages, and housing prices and financial market crash. This global collapse might end up being a part of us for a very long time. With inflation currently at about 9%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  2. Well presented. Despite the inflation rich get richer, poor will get poorer. Capitalism we live in current times

  3. Unfair governance
    Relentless import of foreigners
    Importing in virus vice immoral and inconsiderate behaviour that snowballed in the community
    This is a government that betrays singaporean

  4. Even with the current dip, I'm so glad πŸ™‚ I've built my portfolio to $30,560 from my weekly trade. I'm having my fourth withdrawal in 10 business days πŸ’―!

  5. So what is the GOVT doing ?
    What is the point of giving out CDC vouchers when we can’t use it on major grocery outlets ?

    If any opposition can assure us that they will do something about cost of living, they have my vote.

  6. get a job pay federal or state taxes get federal and state benefits and live in gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i live in a gym i dont have to pay for housing but utilities food telecom and transportation i still must pay for………….

  7. I am worried about cost of renovation and furniture. Waited forever for BTO to be ready and now reno is so expensive also sigh

  8. If the government doesn't need additional revenue, why doesn't it defer the GST increases. That will be a great help to everyone in Singapore. As they say every lbit of help adds up.

  9. If you are healthy and alive (unlike some Ukrainians), then try to be happy already bah. The inability to go to posh restaurants is not exactly a pressing concern. At least that crane operator is facing a real problem with his family burdens

  10. thank you for putting together this collection of stories from all walks of life. it makes me feel connected to the rest of our fellow Singaporeans in this malaise that we all have faced/will have to face in 2022 and 2023.

  11. The Singapore way to deal with continuing high cost of living, is to continue increase the cost of everything from GST, ERP, Utilities, Transportation, Property, Food, Kopi, etc, as this seems to be the only way to deal with rising costs and proven acceptance by the majority populous for over 57 years since 9 Aug 1965 independence day, despite the hidden secret of suspected over 1.5 trillion in Reserves.

  12. 2023 Wish – Gov Stop justifying to tax more. Live within our mean !

  13. Fear will blind us to the light at the end of the tunnel. Our late LKY was a pragmatic person. This is his legacy.

  14. Rising inflation is a small matter in Singapore… Because 98% Singaporean are richest and they will flock plus flew to Malaysia for luxurious living style with much cheaper price πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸ‘πŸ‘

  15. The govt is doing for his face seek on the world stage. We are the only little red dot on mother earth and our public Singaporean 75% not earning close to 50% of our mp salary and we are working like a dog to feed many and pay to many. Singaporean by financial right, should be deserving much higher income and better life with prosperous living than surviving. There is a loophole or a big gap Singaporean did not realised that the pap is the only group of people hv iron rice bowl over the time of last 50 years and keep public suffer retrenchment, low pay n high cost of living with high inflation.. There is really a huge gap of disparity which should hv been minimise if not due to last 10 years from 2007 to 2017 high influx of ft to fight our survival job and this has bring instability and uncertainty of each Singaporean ability to sustain longer n certain job position to service our 2 long terms commitment which are housing n medical.. The govt need to work on closing the gap of the mp salary especially the 5 mayors and the 75% of salary holder. Then I will tell u, the current high inflation, high cost living situation is a small issue to general public. All the outcome now is due to suppressed salary last 10 years for singaporean simply.

  16. Singapore is another rich Chinese corruption, with poverty income level and housing astronomically expensive by hundred thousand percentage! What a corrupt country for its citizens! Gap between rich and poor worst in the world!

  17. Putting back what the people take from the land is the main source of feeding the people especially the lower income. According to SFA only 1% of the island's land is set aside for food cultivation. Isnt that miserable when you think it was our parents and grandparents that helped made Singapore what it is today ?

  18. Singapore should just rejoin Malaysia or become a separate entity but jointly govern with Malaysia…Malaysia have plentiful land for agriculture thus reducing cost of living…win win situation for citizen ma…devalue the dollar on par with the ringgit…vegetables planted by Singapore farmers in Pahang, Perak, Johore etc.

  19. Spore has strong financial backing. I am sure Spore can ride thru this challenge.
    Short of staff? just advertise at our neighbouring country….surely can find from there since SG dollars are so strong now.

  20. NO GST

  21. I think I and the Singaporeans are gone stave death due to high inflation prices with GST ?% in singapore.

    3 mins without air
    3 days without water
    3 weeks without food.

    If… without water and electrical supply in future.

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