Front Yard Garden

Extreme Front Yard Makeover! Full DIY & How To Tutorial | Texas Native Plant Gardening

In this step by step DIY tutorial I’ll show you how I transformed my front yard landscape using native plants in Houston, Texas.

Plant List:
Salvia farinacea, Phlox divaricata, Coreopsis lanceolata, Color Guard Yucca filamentosa, Autumn Sage: Salvia greggii, Rock Rose: Pavonia lasiopetala, Uptick Yellow and Red Tickseed, Penstemon ‘Blackbeard’


MY PO BOX: Paul Cantu PO BOX 580281, Houston, TX 77258

For Inquiries Email Me:


  1. Hey Paul don't you think ur placing too many together, the way u describe them makes it sound like they gonna get big and looks like they just gonna over crowd the whole area

  2. Paaaaauuuuul can we see an indoor plant tour id love to know what you’re packing on the inside ya feel.

  3. Dont ever say Paul can not, but rather Paul Cantu ! Your plants look phenomenal and never forget how AWESOME you are! Great job.

  4. I remember watching the video where you did this said I was thinking to myself will that stuff grow where you live. Most of that will grow in Los Angeles but I wasn't sure about Texas during the winter

  5. You should look into growing white hollyhock and some marshmallows plants if Texas alloiws it. I don't know if marshmallow plant is illegal for Texas.

  6. You should look into growing Echium Wildpretti aka Tower of Jewels

  7. I’m a new native plant gardener in Florida. Really enjoying your channel. Keep it up! You’re doing a great job! Also, you have a very adorable personality

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