Backyard Garden

Lemon Grass: Exotic Herbs & Tropical Plants In Our Backyard Garden | Aiman's Organic Gardening Ideas

There is probably no plant more interesting to feature than lemongrass. It has a unique fragrant citrus aroma and has been used in the kitchen around the world for centuries.

Lemongrass has been a hot commodity since ancient times. It is a must for most asian cookings. It’s oil is antiseptic anti-cancer and anti-fungal, can be used to treat athlete’s foot, acne and improve circulation. It’s oil is also an effective insect repellent and is increasingly being used in natural repellent spray.

Lemongrass tea treats plethora of symptoms as headaches, diarrhea, nausea, fever, stomachaches, and flu. Because of the latter, it is known as “fever grass” in Jamaica, Trinidad and other countries, and the claims are backed by the Smithsonian Institution’s handbook on herbs.

It’s a very important ingredients for many Malaysian dishes such as satay, rendang and masak lemak cili api.

Lemongrass oil has been proven to be an effective antifungal agent as well as anticancer properties when tested on animal subjects. The oil was most effective against colon cancer cell and neroblastoma cancer cells.

Lemongrass has been long used as a repellent and natural pesticide. It was officially registered with the EPA in 1962 in the formula to repel dogs and cats from gardens and furniture. It is now widely used as natural insect repellent to deter mosquitos, roaches and other bugs.

Lemongrass is winter hardy in Zone 8 and up. In some instance, if you cover up the roots with decent amount of mulch, lemongrass might grow back in the Spring. Although lemongrass prefers moist soil, it will withstand and thrive minor draughts. .

Please watch more of Aiman’s backyard gardening, tips & techniques how to plant and grow what, organic vegetables, tropical plants, medicinal or edible herbs, types of gardening such botanic aquatic gardens, horticulture & permaculture farming, fruit trees mini-orchard, flowers & nursery, soil & compost, DIY woodworking ideas, how to build raised garden bed & trellis, gardening tools & machinery, tutorial videos & guide, green house, how to protect the garden from pets & animals, drip irrigation, around-the-house landscaping ideas & beautification projects such as trimming bushes, putting down much, grass cutting, lawn mowing, weeds management, building fish pond, bricks & block retaining wall, patio stones, exterior home repairs & improvement and more… on his EYEONAIMAN’s Youtube Channel & Facebook Page.

Recording Date: Ooctober 2, 2013
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  1. thank you for the suggestion, I can try to get my sister, my brothers and their friends to play the game…

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