Edible Gardening

Parents' Permaculture Garden in Winter 2023

This cold, windy winter day finds us sharing New Years with our folks, and while here, we decided to check out what is growing, fruiting, or dormant. As you can see, there are a variety of fruit trees, a few vegetables, and several herbs. There are lots of food to eat, but for ease of movement about, and as they age, they have widened the walking spaces, thus growing fewer crops. That being said, the fruit trees are all mature and have been bearing fruit for years so there is always an abundant harvest, and a variety of nutrients available from the plethora a fruits to choose from. The grow plants at the edges, and many are trained to grow upwards, thus providing much space for more growth or space to walk about.

Music by:

“INOSSI – Far Away” is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/b-far-away

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