Edible Gardening

2022 Garden Recap – Growing Cut Flowers : Sunshine and Flora Flower Farm

I can not believe how fast this year has gone! 2022 was my 2nd “official” year growing cut flowers that I sold at local farmer’s markets, by special order, and to a florist. Here is a recap of my entire growing season for 2022!

Follow me on social media!
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sunshineandflora
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sunshineandflora

BUY MERCH : https://www.sunshineandflora.com/shop

Buy me a coffee! 🙂 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Sunshineandflor

Sunshine & Flora, Locally Grown Fresh Cut Flowers
Zone 5A, Northwest Iowa
PO Box 146
Holstein, Iowa 51025


  1. Would you consider a video on balancing your growing and floral business with your photography business, and maybe one on how much you need to produce to have enough flowers for your markets and for a florist? Happy and prosperous new year!🎊

  2. Hi I learning a lot about growing flowers with you ☺️
    I have a question for you
    Can you please tell me, where you buy your tulips bulbs please 🙏

  3. Great recap Christina. It's hard to get a really early focal flower – this year all I had was oriental poppies. They were spectacular and the very early ones had a vase life of a week, but the follow-up blooms didn't last long. I'm relying on ranunculus this year… My direct sown zinnias had patchy germination, so I'm resigned to having to start them in cell trays..😅 Really enjoyed this video – the year has gone quickly and I'd say you're a full-on flower farmer now!

  4. Congrats on a great season! Thanks for sharing, really love your videos and how you grow in a small space, inspiring! What did you find were the best mini pumpkins to grow?

  5. Ive really enjoyed your channel. I am excited to see how you use the hoop next season!!
    I am a farmer outside of Chicago.

  6. Have a great 2023! I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll do differently for Lisianthus this year. I bought some seeds and will be starting them soon too.

  7. I've only grown ranunculus from a potted plant I'm excited to try to grow them from a corm. I grew the double pirouette petunias a couple years ago they were so beautiful I've got to try those again it was very helpful to see the order of the things that you plant I am more of a scattered Gardener literally scatterbrained and I throw seeds lol 🤣 I enjoy your videos

  8. Your garden is stunning. You make us want to grow more flowers, our pumpkin patch takes up so much room every year. We always enjoy your videos🌱😁🎃🌷🌹🌻🌸🌺🌼

  9. What an exciting and successful year you had! You have certainly inspired me to grow my hobby into a little business and take chances! I will be renting space a local farm and already booked a pop up at a popular creamery in town. Thanks for your inspiration. It has been great learning and growing with you.

  10. Per your recommendation, I did the milk jug method and it worked VERY well. I had tons of strawflowers and rudbeckia! Thank you! I cannot wait to do it again this year! Best of luck in 2023!

  11. Your garden and you are amazing! I know it was hard work but you make it look doable, you are so organized and consistent!!❤

  12. Christina! I loved this informative video. So much packed in. I am an aspiring flower farmer and have learned so many valuable things from you. I am about to begin the Floret online course and am really excited. I do have a question about some snapdragon and stock plugs that I bought from Jake on Facebook. I have potted them up once and they are doing great. I'm curious if you think I could put them outside under a frost blanket and plastic over hoops. I live in NW Arkansas and we have somewhat mild winters. They are about 3 to 4" tall and probably need pinched soon. Please give me some advice about whether to put them into pots to grow on under the lights or if you think they might survive outside. I hate to lose them!!

    Thanks again for the excellent into on when you plant the various flowers. I'll be be referring to this video quite often in the coming months. So very helpful!!

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