Garden Plans

2022 was a Busy Year, but we have Even Bigger Plans for 2023.

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Country View Acres
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We live in southeastern Illinois on a 41 acre homestead. We just finished building our log cabin in 2018. Now we are focused on trying to grow our own food and raise livestock. Follow us on our journey we continue to develop our homestead and farm, while becoming more self sufficient.

#homesteading #goals #selfsufficient


  1. There's an old hillbilly saying…"when your doing your living" tomorrows are the new beginings, looking forward to your on going progress.

  2. Evan, good luck on your goals for 2023. Your long term goal is also mine. I too have good feelings about 2023.

  3. Wishing you all the best for 2023 and success in achieving all or most of your goals. Looking forward to continuing great videos. Good Luck

  4. "Failure is part of Success" Keep going and you'll be fine! I've really enjoyed watching the transformation of your property as a result of all of your efforts. Thank You both!

  5. Evan, you can still use the plywood for your shop wall. All you have to do is strap the wall horizontal with furring strip or 1×3 👍

  6. Have you seen red poppy ranch on you tube? They are completely off grid, They have a good sola set up and have tried a lot of different systems. They have now gotten a good back up generator to cover the dull days.

  7. Maybe give yourself more time or move the Allis a couple burners towards the front, the restoration of my Allis CA started with a brand new shiny battery box, I took one look at that and up on stands it went, wheels,body panels, radiator all came off only thing left on the stands was engine, torque tube and final drive, I didn't get to use the Allis for a second tractor that spring.

  8. Check out Lumnah Acres, they have built a solar system that powers everything ,and pretty much did everything theirselves. Al is a short guy so he did get his brother in law to help install the panels, lol the guy stood on the ground and was taller than Al on a ladder

  9. I live in Illinois and have read studies that there's about 13 states here in the mid west that include Illinois that solar energy will not be economical enough to make it work. So if you do your homework and still think it will work for you than I will follow your channel.
    I really hoped that you did loose many fish, well, we live and learn, so good luck in 2023 on.

  10. What about the vapors from the batteries? When charging they produce chemical vapors, don't they?
    I would not have the batteries indoors at all unless I am wrong.

  11. You guys did a great job accomplishing goals for 2022! I think you made some great strides! Thanks for the previous video on how you film and the equipment you use. I don't see that much and it was good information. I watched a youtube channel called Tony's Tractor Attachments Homestead. He has two TYM tractors and lots of attachments. It right up your TYM alley! lol

  12. Hello it was very nice watching you in 2022 even when you messed up. One thing is that you don’t mind showing when you do mess up. Keep keeping it real. Thanks for the way you do things.

  13. The world as we know it is on a collision course with God's wrath. Corruption, deception, lovers of self, abortion, ungodly and evil leaders, and sin, are just a few examples of what God will be bringing His wrath against. Humanity has taken His perfect creation, and utterly destroyed it from what God intended it to be. God gave us free will, or freedom of choice, and look what we have done with free will, or freedom of choice. It has been nothing but a 6000 year trampling on God's will, and within approximately seven years, God's wrath will have been completed and Jesus will have settled in the new seven square mile Temple complex, where He will rule for 1000 years with His saints. There will be five different categories of Saints, based on the treasure you have stored in Heaven, or otherwise known as the crowns received at the Bema Seat Judgement. We will be placed in positions of leadership aligning with the number of crowns we have received, and we will enjoy our positions of responsibility and leadership. Jesus will rule with an rod of iron, but there will still be non-believers that will have to be dealt with at the end of the millennial rule, and Satan will be let loose for one final showdown, in which Satan will lose. The earth and heaven shall pass away, and then the Great White Throne Judgement will occur. Jesus will be the judge, and the saints will be the witness. Every non believer will be judged according to their works, and their name will be checked against the Book of the Lamb, or Book of Life. If their name is not found in the Book, then they are sentenced eternally to the Lake of Fire. From there the meek, or Saints, will inherit the new earth and new Heaven. The new Jerusalem, or the House of God will descend on the new earth, in which we will rule with Jesus for eternity. We will be able to see our Father's face for the first time. I humbly believe that we will also be very surprised at what God has in store for us when we do get to the new earth. God will want us to inhabit the new earth as He originally intended. Now what this entails, I do not know for sure, but it sure is exciting to think about. Ladies and Gentlemen, we can see how fast things are deteriorating with our own eyes. I humbly ask you to please examine your salvation, as many that claim to be saved are not. The many that are not saved is because they believe in the concept of God, and are very well versed in Scripture, but they are lovers of earthly things, and have not actually let the Holy Spirit in when He knocks. Revelation 3:20. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. In order to avoid God's wrath, it is of the utmost importance that we get saved. Romans 10:9-10. 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Please friends, do not delay one more minute, as the writing is plainly on the wall at this point. I am not trying to shame or insult anyone, but only to plant at least a seed, and then God will water it for those who decide to allow the seed to grow. I know that some will want to debate this post, but I am not going to do that. Do not take my word concerning this post, but please take it to the Holy Spirit. We have been appointed as Ambassadors of Christ, and it is time we take that seriously as well. May God bless you and guide you during this most important time in our earthly lives, and live Godly lives.

  14. Kudos to you! I am amazed with the both of you and the amount of work you do in the videos taking into consideration you both have full time jobs. Best wishes for 2023.

  15. I think the Best time for working on Barn is right now, before new steers are arriving.

  16. I put a 27k electric generator on my farm house if need arises from power loss. It will run my home and my separate garage. Had a 500 gallon propane tank installed for it. It's set to run about 15 minutes per week to maintain battery and has only used 20% of the 500 gallon tank for the year. I have a little less than 15k invested. Not sure how much your solar set up will cost you?

  17. You two has accomplished a ton of work together, also, dont forget all time taken to give us videos to follow along with your journey, that also takes a lot of time! Take care both of you and the animals, and a happy new year and we will see you all in the next days of the year 🙂

  18. Ambitious goals are great, If you can do them all, You're going to be lucky. Good luck , and I'll be watching. Happy new year.

  19. Nice. I completed about 75% of our homestead. Thanks for sharing and being vulnerable enough to share your mistakes

  20. Health insurance will be your biggest problem. It will cost over $2000 a month. 1 of you might have to keep working.

  21. That was a good review of your year. I think you need to give yourselves more credit. Your videos are full of interesting chores you both take on. I think you did a great job for the year. We enjoy watching all your videos. Thank you for taking the time to produce them.

  22. Love the goals! You both definitely inspire me to keep going on our homestead and accept the setbacks! Happy 2023 to you and your family

  23. Very interested in your adding solar to the homestead. I think you going to need more panels, especially in the winter. We have a similar property to yours and we first started with 12 KW of solar. Then we added a hydro system in two of our creeks and then 24 KW more solar. You will need enough power generation on your worst day to handle your day time loads and then additional power generation to ensure your batteries are fully charged to handle loads at night. Start pulling from the batteries during the day time hours and you will need to charge your batteries at night. That gets expensive. Good Luck!

  24. You might check out YouTube lumah acres and wild wonderful off grid. They run their whole place off solar. Might get some ideas🤷🏻‍♀️ love your show!

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