Front Yard Garden

The Worst CREEPY Job EVER !(Mobile Home Life)

The Worst CREEPY Job EVER !(Mobile Home Life)

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  1. Instead of putting the winter panels under the trailer, put them in your potting shed or a safe place so they won’t be dirty & you won’t have to put your hands on spiders or whatever! Blessings ❣️❣️

  2. You are being so "girly" Tessie! LOL! I love the note to the cats! I have skirting around my double wide and a racoon decided to "trespass " under the house one year and I had to get a trapper to get it out. It was a pregnant female! That would not have been good if she had her babies under there! At least you only have 3 areas to worry about the "trespassers"!

  3. I would not like that job either Tessie. I would do it if I had too though. Have a blessed day friend

  4. No offense tessie, but your mobile home isn't a mobile home being on a block foundation…lol I grew up in a trailer, it was considered "mobile" until the axles under were removed. I'm lucky that my hubby deals with opening and shutting the vents under the house! Icky work!!!

  5. I’m with you, I don’t like any dark spaces where spiders or snakes or lizards live. My husband is sick and can’t do some things at this time that he once did. With the frigid weather we’ve had, a few days ago, I had to crawl and then roll under the front porch to close a vent. I got it done. Bless you, Tessie.

  6. Why do you have to keep changing from screens to boards? Can you just leave the boards in there year round? Is it an air factor to keep mold out?

  7. Oh, you're braver than I am, Tessie! I am not a fan of creepy spaces – or crawlies – either (spiders and mice, in particular). My 1st floor neighbor keeps a pile of wood in the backyard; and whenever I need to get something from it, I have to give myself a pep talk because I'm afraid of those wolf spiders! Dealing with bugs in the garden is fine with me, but this task is something I think I'd leave for my husband. The note to the cats was funny. 😆

  8. Once I had to do this job because my husband couldn't fit. Any how I met up with the most terrifying chipmunk 🐿️ you ever saw!

  9. Hey, Tessie ❤️. You have a really nice block foundation around your crawl space! All I have is a vinyl sheet with parts missing 😂. I can hear animals under there every night! I am an elderly widow and am not physically able to do what needs to be done and have no one to help. Praise the Lord for your youth, health, strength and ability 🙏🏻✝️❤️. Wolf spiders are terrifying to look at 😂 I know! I was bitten by a brown recluse and got MRSA from it. I don’t like spiders 🕷️ or snakes 🐍 😂

  10. Tessie, I've gotta ask. Wouldn't your husband be the one to do this particular thing once a year? Or help from an older kid? You do sooo much other things to keep your family good. What's up?

  11. We have the same spiders in the summer we see more of them mostly out side but every now and then we fine one in the house. I just love your home it is so beautiful you gave me an idea I am cleaning out all the closets boy do they need it. God Bless see you tomorrow.

  12. We lived in a mobile home for 8 years in an extreme northern climate. We had to winterize every year. We stored our vent boards and insulation in the shed every summer so they stayed clean. I also kept the foliage around our mobile home clipped down and leaf free around the vent covers. It went smoothly every fall and every spring when taking them off. We had pieces of styrofoam insulation cut to size that we used every year, covered by a board cut to size, and kept in place with a turn buckle. Did the job well and it was easy-peasy twice a year.

  13. Sorry Tessie but no way am I doing something that involves spiders. I was cringing right along with you. I’m not a fan of snakes, but I’ll take one of those over a spider any day. Told my husband 51 years ago that I married so I didn’t have to deal with creepy crawlies and mice.😂 I hate wolf spiders. I live in the south, but we have them too. They carry their babies on their back and I attempted to smash one on the porch and a sea of tiny spiders went everywhere. Tried to go in my house until I yelled for my son to get his size 13 feet out there and get to stomping.

  14. Sorry Tessie may have mentioned it and I missed it but what is a crawl space? Is that where your gas/water/electric connectors and pipes should be in a mobile home?

  15. Does Tessie have to do everything? Sure seems like everything falls on her shoulders. I don't know the story here, but sure seems unfair from what we piece together here😡

  16. I would store the boards in the shed or somewhere less creepy! Problem solved.

  17. Hey Tessie Happy New Year! I wanted to tell you about the new channel I am watching and the nativity scene she did with her camels and her donkeys. Was so cool. I want to help them get their new channel up and going! They are such a nice family with nice I believe rescue animals..well some of them are,they have highland cattle which I like. thanks! Love your channel crawspace and all! lol oh the channel is Give JUNOD ACRES a LIKE and a comment and please scrubscribe thanks!

  18. When I was young, I was afraid to put my hand in the dryer when the lint was so thick it had rolled inside. Mom told Dad and I got a spanking while she got the vacuum and got it out! But now, I am brave enough to reach into anyplace! Lol. And I'm a nurse, so that's handy, lol ; ) Anyways, I'd use the screens and number them 1,2,3 with the windows and save them for their perfect measurements for replacements. The hardware can cut you a piece to fit perfectly using the screen measures. Even 2 layers of cardboard wrap them with plastic wrap or foil would work I think? I don't like spiders that go 'crunch', ugh. Grandpa made signs for the wild rabbits against trespassing. Like cats, I don't think rabbits can read either? You are Brave! I sang for you. It was a fast job. See ya.

  19. When I lived in Denver, the basement of our rented 1930's home had a little walled off room with a door from the basement and a window ~3'w x 3'h into backyard. We had an alley behind all the homes where garbage trucks ran and cars to houses which had garages. Long story short, during winter snows homeless people would climb thru the window into the little basement room. There was even a plug and a heater. After I discovered this., I kept the door closed and never opened it again as long as we lived there. Local police told us they were harmless and even suggested we put old blankets in there (which I did). Happened a lot in our neighborhood of old 2 story homes.

  20. I honestly think that is a mans job. Your husband should at least do this for you. Sorry you have to do that. You are brave because I flat out would die of a heart attack if a spider got on me and my house would just have to freeze over. LOL

  21. You are braver than me! You brushed off a spider like nothing and kept working. Thankfully, I've never seen a wolf spider in Pittsburgh but they're probably out there. Yikes!

  22. Tessie, if I may make a suggestion? Maybe store the spare vent covers in one of your outdoor buildings until it’s time to switch them out per season? Then at least you wouldn’t have to reach back in so far and they wouldn’t get covered in so much debris, or be exposed to so much dampness. You could number them somehow to identify which vent covers fit what holes. I hope that could spare you a little less anxiety. That would creep me out a little also. I don’t like those kinds of spaces either.

  23. 1963 Mobile Home. . .She mentions it most every video. Seems to me that she has a nice place, very tidy and well kept, then she calls it a tin can. . .Be proud of your home, you work hard to live there. . .

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