Japanese Garden

Baker Creek Seeds Haul | My garden will welcome all the pollinators

Hi everyone!!! I’ve got a flowery Baker Creek Haul for ya today. Don’t worry there’s still a handful of tomatoes and peppers.

Tomato Obsession Facebook Group

Pepper Obsession Facebook Group

Lucky Garden YouTube Channel

Storing Dahlias over winter video

Winter Sowing Jug opening video


  1. Elecampane is great! It does bring in pollinators, but the root is the real gem. After a couple years of growth you can dig up the root and take some pieces off it (it will grow back from the pieces you leave). We make a tincture out of it and it's great for coughs, especially when you first start feeling something coming on. It does have a strong taste but it's completely worth it to not be hacking up a lung. I spent about ten years getting a bad cough every November until I tried the elecampane. Now I take it whenever I feel like I might be starting to get a cough it gets rid of it (so far, knock on wood). It's also supposed to be good for digestion and getting rid of intestinal parasites, but not recommended in pregnancy. They're 6 foot tall plants and they're perennial, so bear that in mind when planting them out.

    Nasturtiums are also super good. They're pretty and tasty at the same time. Both the leaves and the flowers are good in salads. They have a kind of radish like flavor. My older daughter grows them every year, even now in her crabby teenage phase.

    Hollyhocks are fun, too. I grew up with having them around every summer (they do reseed themselves and they live 2- 4 years). Taking seeds from them is super easy so I've had them everywhere I've ever lived, except for two short stints in apartments. I didn't know they came in black, though. If you get a chance to film your black flower garden this year, that would be interesting to see.

    Buena Mulatta is neat. It's more fine leafed and branching than many other peppers and it's a short plant. We mostly used the peppers at the purple stage because we apparently don't have any patience, lol. They were medium heat and nice flavored.

    So funny that you put this up now. I just got my Baker Creek order in the mail today and then I sat down to fold laundry and saw this video was up. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I use BakerCreek and MI Gardner too 🤣 They are my go-to but I also have two others that I check as well.
    I also picked up a bunch of black flowers this season too 👍

  3. I really like the Lucky Garden site too! Have you tried the Star Wars Tomato Collection? They look awesome!

  4. my go to pollinator is Anise Hyssop or Licorice mint. It's drought resistant and It blooms all summer long and you can make tea if you like licorice flavor.

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