Gardening Supplies

Wholesale Supplies Plus (WSP) Haul, Future Projects & Mail Call Shout Outs!!

Today I’m sharing with you a WSP haul, talking about future projects and doing a mail call & shout out for some amazing channels!!


What is WSP you may wonder…Have you heard of It’s one of my favorite places to go to for purchases of all of the basic supplies needed for making…


And loads of other fun things I love to DIY! I’m giving you a peek into what I have plans on making AND sharing AND doing a giveaway for here! Hope you all enjoy it and please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see me make.

Thank you all for your support!

Love and blessings and remember to KEEP YOUR JOY! 😊💗

Mtn Grandma


  1. I would very much like to learn how to make my own soap and I hope I can learn from watching you. thank you so much and stay warm and safe

  2. Excellent deals! I would totally love to see you make soap!❤ I’m glad you received your seeds and stickers! Love you! Happy New Year!

  3. Very interesting!I use to use Josie Maran argon oil…it was great but costly…I'm gonna get name of what daughter is allergic to..she is 30 and can no longer ger use most cosmetics,soaps and shampoos…

  4. Glad you got the card and sticker! I only had 1 come back address unknown 🙁
    I tried my hand at soap making a few years back. I wasn't happy with my results and haven't tried since. I did try to get my oldest daughter to give it a try and gave her all the stuff I bought,LOL!

  5. Thank you so very much darling and beyond thankful for the beeswax. That was a very nice haul there. Love you also ❤️ Take care and have a blessed evening.🍀


  6. Like 25 👍 Thanks for sharing your haul ❤ Hope you had a wonderful Christmas 🎄 Stay warm and enjoy the holidays! Happy New Years 💐

  7. Awesome haul. You are going to be busy making your products. Thank you for sharing. I will be looking out for your videos. Blessings.

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