Backyard Garden

Exotic Vegetables, Herbs & Tropical Plants From My Mom's Enchanted Backyard Garden (Preview)

Well, today is October 2, 2013. Fall season is already upon us and summer planting season in our USDA Zone 7 is definitely over. Some of plants are already wilted, browning and ready to die or go dormant.

Killer frost is around the corner, so this is probably the only opportunity for Aiman to talk about his mom’s exotic herbs and tropical vegetables from her mom’s enchanted garden. Some of the herbs and plants are Daun Kesom / Kesum (Polygonum Huds), also known as Vietnamese Coriander / Cilantro, Turmeric (Pokok Kunyit), Chinese Celery (Daun Sup), Kaffir Lime (Limau Purut), Lemongrass (Serai), Chinese Chives (Kucai), Pria (Bitter Melon), Petola (Luffa), Chinese Asparagus / Long Beans (Kacang Panjang) and Malaysian Pumpkin (Labu).

These plants and herbs are not only a must in chinese, asian or southeast asian cooking, but many of them also have medicinal properties as well. For example, Daun Kesom / Kesum (Persica Odorata) commonly used in Malaysian Laksa is believed to repress sexual urges and reduce sexual desires. Many Buddist Monks grow Kesom in their private gardens and eat it frequently as a helpful step in their celibate life. On the other hand, raw bean sprouts have the opposite effects as the Kesom’s.

Lemongrass has been a hot commodity since ancient times. It is a must for most asian cookings. It’s oil is antiseptic anti-cancer and anti-fungal, can be used to treat athlete’s foot, acne and improve circulation. It’s oil is also an effective insect repellent and is increasingly being used in natural repellent spray.

Turneric, on the other hand, has been used as food coloring, food flavoring and food preservatives since ancient times. It also has a long history as medicinal plant for Ayuverdic and Chinese medicine for centuries. Turmeric is commonly used as anti-inflammatory for digestive disorders and to promote liver health. It can treat certain skin disease and effective in improving functions of gallbladder. It contains a high amount of anti-oxidants, which can reduce the risk of cancer.

Kaffir Lime is very popular in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. It’s leaves are a must in Thailand’s popular Tom Yam or Sweet and Sour Soup. The juices and rinds are used in traditional Indonesian medicine. It is referred to as “Jeruk Obat” or translated to Medicine Citrus. The oil from the rind has strong insecticidinal properties.

Petola, also known as Luffa, Vietnamese gourd or Chinese Okra is very popular in China and Vietnam. It is a common ingredient in soups and stir fried dishes. Petola’s juice is used as a natural remedy for jaundice.

Pria or bitter melon is extremely popular in Malaysia, India and Japan. It is a significant ingredient in Okinawan Cuisine in Japan and Thoran in India. In terms of medicine, Pria contains Mordicin I & II. It is anticancer and has been found to induce apoptosis of Leukimia cells. It is used in Togo to treat gastrointestinal diseases as well as anti-viral for chickenpox and measles. In Asia, Bitter Melon has been used in preventing and treating malaria.

Kucai or Chinese Chives (a family of garlic) has been around for a very very long time and its real origin is unknown. Some say it’s from Malaysia, others say it’s from Indonesia. But in Asia, kucai is used to sprinkle on asian pancakes, soup and dumplings.

Long bean is a plant of the Fabaceae tribe by the Latin name Vigna Sinensis Endle. This plant has many benefits and uses for us to prevent some diseases such as hair loss, reduced ASI, mastitis / breast swelling, breast care and anemia. The content of long beans leaves and fruit which contain protein and lime / calcium is high enough. It also contain of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sulfur, and vitamins B1, B2, and C.

Finally, pumpkins’ health benefits are anti-inflammatory, reduce asthma attacks, atherosclerosis, cholesterol replacement, reduce depression, diuretics or detoxifier and increase the immune system.

Please watch more of Aiman’s backyard gardening, tips & techniques how to plant and grow what, organic vegetables, tropical plants, medicinal or edible herbs, types of gardening such botanic aquatic gardens, horticulture & permaculture farming, fruit trees mini-orchard, flowers & nursery, soil & compost, DIY woodworking ideas, how to build raised garden bed & trellis, gardening tools & machinery, tutorial videos & guide, green house, how to protect the garden from pets & animals, drip irrigation, around-the-house landscaping ideas & beautification projects such as trimming bushes, putting down much, grass cutting, lawn mowing, weeds management, building fish pond, bricks & block retaining wall, patio stones, exterior home repairs & improvement and more… on his EYEONAIMAN’s Youtube Channel & Facebook Page.

Recording Date: October 2, 2013
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  1. Wish I'm yr neighbour so that I could I also enjoy yr mom's n dad's bountiful harvest. Next season perhaps you can try planting markissa or passion fruit. Love watching yr videos

  2. Wish I'm yr neighbour so that I could I also enjoy yr mom's n dad's bountiful harvest. Next season perhaps you can try planting markissa or passion fruit. Love watching yr videos

  3.  My dream comes true through you ( i am be you!II), at least i'll be delighted to be your neighbour. How do you do with the tree in winter time  so that they will not die? 

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