Gardening Supplies

Growing Ginger In Containers in Zone 5 Wisconsin! – and it's DAY 14 of our 31 Days of Giving

Growing Ginger In Containers in Zone 5 Wisconsin! – and it’s DAY 14 of our 31 Days of Giving

Our 14th gardening giveaway video focuses on our experiment with planting ginger in containers indoors.

We have wanted to grow organic ginger for a long time, but as it is a tropical plant, we can’t grow it outdoors for the entire 8-10 months it would need in order to grow to full maturity. So, we have taken some of our storebought organic ginger that sprouted, and we are planting it indoors.

We bought this ginger a few weeks ago, and we left it in its packaging and now it is healthy and sprouting ginger that already has the beginnings of roots, so we are taking this opportunity to create ginger seedlings that we can then transplant if they are successful.

This is another exciting garden experiment for us, and we can’t wait to share and watch the results as they move forward.

We hope you enjoy this video!

Today’s Giveaway winner gets two prizes!
Seed starter trays with dome here:
Heat Mat here:

If you want to take part in the giveaways, comment on this video or one of our community posts from now until the next video comes out.

#IndoorGardening #GrowingGinger #ContainerGinger

You can mail to us at:
Guten Gardening
3902 Milwaukee St. #7833
Madison, WI 53707

For a better description of the days of giving garden giveaway, check out this video:

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Previous prizes in this giveaway series:
XLUX Soil Moisture Meter:
Govee Hygrometer:
Clamp Lamp:
Grow Light Bulb:
Garden Tool Set:
Garden knife:
Square foot gardening book:
Bucket organizer here:
Garden tool sharpener here:
Barrina LED T5 Lights here:
Seed organizer here:
Bottle Top Waterers here:
Roo Apron here: here:

Mars Hydro TSW 2000W Light Here:

OGrow Greenhouse:
Vivosun Grow Tent:

Inline fan (8″ 800cfm):
Lightimetunnel 300w light:
Link to the Hydroplanet T5 2’ light :
Link to the Morsen Full Spectrum 2000w LED:
Direct link from Morsen:…
Pulley System:
6’ Power Bar with 10 sockets:

Another grow light we have purchased:
You can buy the langbeinite here:
You can buy the bone meal here:
You can buy the Mykos here:
You can buy the blood meal here:
You can buy the seed heat mat here:
You can buy the worm factory farm here:
You can buy the potting mix tray here:

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DISCLAIMER: This description may contain links from our affiliates, sponsors, and partners. If you use these products, we will get compensated (and there is no additional cost to you). vlogmas 2022


  1. Congrats I grew Ginger 2 years ago indoors zone 5a placed in by my glass doors that only got sun about 2pm to about 6 They grew awesome and got a lot of ginger

  2. Congratulations to the winner. Great prizes! I like to experiment so I will try ginger this year . Thank you for all of the information🙂

  3. Congratulations winner. I’ve just started to cook with ginger but I bought a ginger past in a tube that I’ve been using instead of powder or the root. Normal it would be an ingredient that I would skip.

  4. Congratulations to the winner!

    This experiment is very interesting to me! I have failed in my indoor ginger growing experiments 2 years in a row now. I think that it may be the soil acidity, and possibly fertility, which could be the problem. I am interested to see how yours does, and I may try again!

  5. Congratulations to the winner 🎉.
    Have been thinking if ginger can be grown in containers zone 6.

  6. I've never grown ginger. I'm in zone 7b, high desert, but I'm going to give it a try this year. I'll just use a big ol' goat feed bucket and bring it in over the winter!

    That is a great prize to win! Congrats to the winner!

  7. Congratulations to the winner! I have been trying to grow ginger indoors but have not had any luck. The shoots get about 6 inches tall and then they die off. Still going to keep trying though.

  8. Congrats to the winner. I'm lucky enough to be in a growing zone where I can plant and keep ginger outdoors. This was my first year growing both ginger and turmeric. Both did really well and I'm excited to plant them both again. It does take forever for them to take off. When I first planted mine, I thought for sure I'd done something wrong and they weren't going to do anything. I'd about given up when I suddenly had shoots sticking out of the ground. They are definitely a long term crop but I think they were well worth the effort. Good luck. Have patience!

  9. I wish you good luck with your ginger growing efforts. It certainly is an interesting looking plant. I don't use fresh ginger much in cooking, other than baking, because I do not enjoy the sharp pungency. Each to his own! Lots of folks don't like cilantro, and I absolutely love it.

  10. I've been growing ginger and turmeric. It didn't take long for the ginger to grow. I just break or cut the nodes off the main piece and plant that, and save the rest to use in my juicing.

  11. Congratulations to the winner! I’ve thought about growing ginger, but for now I’m focusing on using my small growing space on things I use more often.

  12. I grew some one year outside during the summer in a shady spot and it did really well. It didn't transition well coming indoors though.

  13. Congratulations to the winner! I’ve never thought about growing ginger but I’ll add it to my list!

  14. What a great gift congratulations to the winner!!! I am growing garlic outside. I have not harvested them yet because they still have green growth on the leaves.

  15. I tried growing ginger in a pot last year and it never even came up, just rotted in the pot…it had no sprouts on it when I planted it. Maybe if I left it outside the fridge it would have sprouted, but you'd think it would have sprouted in the summer outside. Probably won't even try it again.

  16. Congratulations winner. That prize will come in very handy. I need one too. Love the instructions on growing ginger. Bought some just the other day so this tutorial comes in handy. Thank you

  17. Congrats to winner! Very informative video! Even though I have grown ginger and even turmeric before, I have learnt a lot more.

  18. I tried growing ginger for the first time this year. It did not go well. I still have a lot to learn but that’s what I love about gardening there’s always something new to learn

  19. Congratulations to the winner!!! Tried ginger for the first time this past year, but think I started too late for the long growing time. Got good growth but not much rhizome development. Trying again this year.

  20. Congratulations to the winner! I have several of those germination mats, and they hold up remarkably well to damp and dirty conditions.

    I tried growing ginger last year. Was just about to move it indoors, and it suddenly died. Nighttime temperatures were maybe 55 on the low side. I'll try again.

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