Container Gardening

#Shorts Green peas baby plant #Shorts How to Grow Green Peas

Green peas baby plant/How to Grow Green Peas
Start them from seed and plant them directly into the garden; you don’t need to worry about starting them early indoors. Like most vegetables, peas do best in a spot with full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours of direct light per day). Water peas regularly to keep the soil moist but not wet and soggy.
Most varieties of peas need about 60 days of growth before harvest. But they will stop growing and not produce flowers or pods once temperatures get above 85°F, as often happens in June. Although the plants do need full sun, peas produced in hot weather may also have poor quality.
Peas come in two heights: bush peas and climbing peas. All benefit from some kind of support. Though bush peas are only 2 to 3 feet tall, they will flop on the ground if you don’t give them something to climb on. Climbing peas may reach 6 to 8 feet tall and they need a sturdy trellis.
Peas are the perfect vegetable to grow in a container garden. They grow quickly and don’t need much attention but will yield a surprisingly large harvest for a little bit of effort. The must-haves for growing peas are full sunlight and moist soil.
They do not need a lot of space or sunlight to grow, making them perfect for growing indoors, especially in the winter months (although December and January might be a little too cold and dark)

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