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Techmoan 2022 Wrap-up video mix-tape

A look back at some of the notable videos from 2022
– followed by an (entirely optional) ten minute update chat about the off-screen problems that affected the on-screen output this year.
Here is a playlist containing all 2022’s featured videos https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN2yCnHTG_6rnxzv16GHrM7ZUq8iS5QNt

00:00 A look back at 2022’s videos
01:07:51 2022’s behind the scenes challenges

LED BADGES https://www.led-genial.de/LED-Gadgets
LED FIREPLACE https://flyingtiger.com/products/led-fireplace-3042784
(Above links are NOT affiliated)

CUBA BAION played on a Street Organ https://youtu.be/aDg7Op5oWZ4

New Techmoan Merchandise is now available.


This channel can be supported through Patreon


  1. Hey Techmoan, just wanted to say thank you for all of the videos this year, I have never seen a video by you that I didn't enjoy. I grew up in the 00s so I love learning about all the cool stuff that came before my time.

    And also, thank you for opening up about the stuff you've been through this year, it's been a rough year for me as well and I'm glad we're both sticking with it, your channel helps a lot!

    As long as you're making these videos I'll be watching!

  2. Thank you so much for all the love and passion you put in, So very much loved and appreciated.
    Thank you for letting us know your challenges.
    Big love and strength to you for the best possible health and happiness

  3. Who the heck is complaining about your videos? What's wrong with people? You're giving quality entertainment for free!

    I'm sorry about your losses.

  4. First off thank you for your amazing calming videos they really are brilliant even the videos you clam aren't as good as usual , Ive been wondering about were the puppets went.
    also that camera video didn't even come up in my notification don't know of that could have been a reason it was so unsuccessful.

  5. Mat, Thank You for years and years of entertainment. My condolences for your loss and I‘m truly sorry for what you went through. Thank You for being here when I needed your videos the most and for making my life overall better. I’m wishing you and your loved ones the best for 2023.

  6. Thank you so much Mat for everything that you do, seriously so so much! You need to look out for yourself, stay positive and all will be ok! Your videos are the perfect size and i personally watch them all, usually as soon as they come out, ive never seen any that were poorly made, they are always up to very high standards. Allot of people are just loosers who can appreciate the work that goes into this, and the way you deal with them is awesome! Happy new year!

  7. I must reiterate don't change a thing this is the perfect YouTube channel can't think of one better

  8. The privileged nonces mumbling and complaining about you or your health can jog off and shove it up their arses. You should do what you want when you are able to.

    Edit: I can't pay for Patreon (some bullshit with PayPal) but I did subscribe to Youtube Premium after watching Linus say how much money they make off it.

  9. Thank You Mat ("TechMoan") for all your hard work in creating such an informative and excellent YouTube channel.
    Also, Thank You for sharing your 2022 story. My deepest sympathy. Losing ones Mum is very difficult…..
    Please Take Care of Yourself and your Family, and My Best Wishes for 2023.

  10. Not going to lie, I've never noticed anything with speech. I guess because my own Dad lost his sense of smell in his 40's, and takes various medication which makes him sound pretty slurred/drunk.

    To those who complain, piss off.

  11. I don't comment at all but watched every video each week since ~2016, one of best channel on YouTube 👍

  12. Don't normally comment, I truly believe I am part of the silent majority who find your way of presenting comprehensive narratives as part of your videos lovely and charming. I am sorry to hear about the year you have had. I hope you continue to make content to share with us in the new year. Pacing yourself so you can be happy with the output and enjoying making the content. Your health and wellbeing will and should always come first. Regards from Australia down under.

  13. I am a huge techmoan fan please don't make the videos shorter, if people want to see bite sized clips they welcome to go tiktok or whatever they doing these days

  14. Mat, I've watched all your videos this year. Enjoyed the lot, ignore the haters. Very sorry to hear about your bad year.

  15. My father says you blather on, but personally I like it when you go on about the details of the things. You have a pleasant cadence and lilt.

  16. I'm very sorry for your loss, brother. Take care of yourself. We love you and care about your well being. The hateful critics are just babies that need a nappy change. I hope 2023 is much better for all of us. Have a happy new year!

  17. Thanks for sharing. I got diagnosed with Type 1 at 28. It's "Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults" or LADA for those interested.

    The difference between having diabetes in the UK (i was in London) on the NHS and now back in the US is staggering.

  18. Thanks for another great year/ I just got my mc90 Bluetooth speaker based on your review and xideo and yup itsfantasticuse it everyday !!

  19. Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA, USA: I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles this year and that you've had to deal with some entitled prats. For what it's worth, your videos make me smile and I'm happy to watch them regardless of when you put 'em out, whatever they're about, the time you had to put into them, or how often you put them out. 
    I do wish people would show a bit of patience and remember the old saying: "Everyone you meet is fighting battles you know nothing about."

  20. Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations and for the record I've always liked the tone of your voice, it's a bit asmr in a good way. Looking forward to more vids in the future when you get the time.

  21. Sorry to hear about your Mum's passing. I had late onset asthma (developed it around the same age as you did), but then it cleared up during the EVENT (no idea why). Anyway, you should do what you feel is necessary for your well being. Good luck for 2023 Matt! 😃

  22. Hello Matt. My condolences about your mum. My dad died late September so I have some understanding of what you have had to deal with.
    Take your time with the videos. I will enjoy them when they happen. Your health and wellbeing come first. I hope 2023 is better for all of us. Take care of yourself. From Andy.

  23. Take your time with the videos, you have already done so much in the years, take some more breakes.

  24. Brother, everything you've worked on has always been interesting and entertaining. Take care of yourself, your family and friends first. As a T1D myself, I understand the struggles. We'll all be here to support you when the next video drops. <3

  25. Sorry to hear the loss of your mother. I just lost my mom at 90 on December 14.

  26. Sorry to hear about your mom and about all the assholes who love to hate. Stay strong, Mat!

  27. Your channel is amazing, thank you for all you do. Never worry about other peoples issues. Happy new year.

  28. …I have an idea as to what you might say to that but we will all be waiting for it. well i will

  29. flippin eck new laptop sending without asking me..anyhow I cant play you in the film , im only 52

  30. Any video you put up I will watch, simple as. Be it once a week or once a year, all good in my book
    Take care of yourself and yours, here's to 2023!

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