
Gardening Tips : Growing Lavender Plants

Growing lavender plants requires planting them in good compost or potting soil, putting them in a place with full, hot sun and trimming them back in the fall for a lush growth the following spring. Grow lavender plants in a garden, which repel insects and provide a lovely aroma, with advice from a sustainable gardener in this free video on gardening.

Expert: Yolanda Vanveen
Bio: Yolanda Vanveen is sustainable gardener who lives in Kalama, Wash.
Filmmaker: Daron Stetner


  1. yeah right. I planted in May in the North East in a seed starter and they still havent started yet

  2. I know this is a really old video but just in case someone might answer…. I planted some lavender July. Some of them have taken but 2 is starting to look dried and dead. I am in New York and the weather has been extremely hot or rainy… could this weather have caused my lavenders to die?

  3. Thank you so much I realized my lavender was somewhat dying out and it was because I wasn’t giving her direct light!

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