Vegetable Gardening

TOP 3 Ways to Harvest Leafy Greens | Organic Florida Vegetable Gardening 101

Not sure how to harvest your leafy greens like tatsoi & mizuna? There are different harvesting techniques depending on the outcome you’d like to see. Elise Pickett of The Urban Harvest will show you 3 different ways to harvest your loose leaf greens and when to use each harvesting technique. This easy gardening 101 video will help even the beginner gardener to feel ready to grow a Florida vegetable garden.

0:00 Harvesting Leafy Greens
1:22 Thinning Out Plants
2:45 Harvesting Mature Leaves and Leaving Younger Greens
4:13 Harvesting Small Amounts of Greens

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  1. Thank you for sharing. I mostly use the cut and come again method because in that way I can harvest the exact amount I need 🙂

  2. Wow! I learned a lot from this video. I had no idea that technique one was even an option in the way that you did it. I like cut and come again. Give me all the leafy greens!

  3. Your videos are superb and you are a gardening aficionado par excellence! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. God bless you!

  4. Is there a specific product you use to keep bugs out of your gorgeous plants?

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