Vegetable Gardening

One Whole YEAR of Gardening in 30 Minutes – 2022 in Review || Black Gumbo

Join me in my backyard vegetable garden as we look at the entire year of 2022. We began in early January and follow the garden through three overlapping growing Seasons, spring, summer, and fall. We get to see the fruit of last year’s fall garden as well. This garden recap will show the successes and the failures that we have had trying to grow fruits and vegetables year-round in zone 9A on the Texas coast. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed going back through all of our content to find the highlights.

Check out Rachel at Auxheart gardening here: @AuxhartGardening

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Heirloom Seeds for your Garden


Black Gumbo shares our suburban, backyard, sustainable gardening efforts. We work a small-scale teaching garden, much like the typical Zone 9a backyard garden and raised beds, the kind of gardening accessible to all. We tend to take the slice of life approach and hope you will enjoy our family, our dog, our cooking, our adventures, and occasionally some commentary and advice. We love family, joy and friendship, and we invite you to enjoy these things with us!

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  1. The plants I covered with silver plastic sheeting lived . The freeze blanket I purchased on Amazon that I put on my other plants froze . Go figure

  2. Jade II green beans Are very good and they don’t have a string. But I grow in the bush I haven’t tried the pole beans yet. Pole beans always seemed to not give us a second or third flush but the bush have always. And I like the rattlesnake green beans as well very mild tender & delicious bean

  3. Love those cooking vids! Keep ‘em coming, brother. Also, if you remember, what variety of beets did you use?

  4. Hi Scott wow I've watched every vid. some more times than 1x thanks for the year of videos scott.

  5. Really enjoyed the year in review! It was great to catch up with you and your garden.

  6. Scott, up here near Austin, we have vine borer problems, too. I don't know if I got lucky this year or what, but I had Butterstick squash coming out my ears. The hotter it got, the better they did! I tried some other varieties, too. The heat kept them from fruiting and eventually they got the SVB's. Have you tried Butterstick before?

    Good luck in 2023!

  7. New subscriber here Scott.
    Back tracking on your videos and excellent information.
    All the best for the New year and keep up the goodwill.
    Have my own backyard, but always good to see how other people do things. 👍

  8. Love your cooking and preserving videos. I am going into third year of gardening. In 2023 I want to grow more food that I like to eat. I was so excited to know that I could actually start plants from seeds that I tried a lot of new things. But unfortunately I only have a small section to garden in and some of my favorite vegetables I did not grow. But again that is gardening

    Hope you had a good Christmas and I thank you for sharing your family and your love for Jesus
    Thank you

  9. Here in DFW whatever I covered with mulch, comforters and painters plastic actually lived. Everything covered with landscape cloth died. Trying to organize my container garden on paper right now. Phoebe remains in our prayers. Great video!

  10. This was an excellent video, I know how you feel about recent freeze, I live in Houston, tried to bring in as much as possible but you can’t save it all, looking forward to spring, Happy New Year and happy gardening.

  11. live in same area as you and lost all my winter vegetables plus more in this freeze. Every time I decide no more, but season comes and start planting again. my English peas just started producing, everything covered well, but too long a freeze. Even carrots, radish, lettuce, spinach seems dead. Now planning for spring. Enjoy your updates.

  12. Where I live in South Florida we got down to 45 degrees. Sorry to see your garden like that. We know that’s your pride and joy.

  13. My green runner beans did not thrive as well as I thought they should. Apparently the heat made the flowers drop off so they were slow starting. Thinking of putting more water bottles in the ground to water directly to the root level. Works with the squash, they were huge. Not sure that will work with the beans but will to put half with the bottles to see. Really enjoyed your review. What got in my way this year was going back to work. Retiring in March so should get more done this coming year hopefully enough beans to eat and freeze cause the garbage that's being sold now is already freezer burned. I didn't know you could wet the leaves. I'm using it to control the fungus gnats inside on the soil. Maybe it's different. It's called bti.

  14. As I contemplate plans for my 2023 gardens…it was great to see and hear your joy over your 2022 gardens.

  15. Yes the FREEZE 🥶 🌱…I did great in fall .. tomatoes were still coming. Zucchini was coming and loofah…but the freeze took plenty …I will prepare my soil to put to bed ..but this year was my best year …finally

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