
FREE Wood Haul #trending #gardening #urbangardening #free

​@urbanharvestdfw was able to network and score some free Ash wood from a guy online. We went to his house cut up the wood and hauled it off. With the upcoming freeze coming to the DFW area, this would will be a great addition to my wood stockpile. Plus, you can’t be free!

Also in the spring we can use any left over logs in the raised beds we will build this spring.

In a need for seeds? Check out Backyard Garden Seeds:

Urban Gardening with Gray focuses on smart cost effective gardening that is sustainable and easy to maintain. Plus a little bit of Garden Humor. Let’s grow together in our urban garden, Subscribe and join the #urbangardeningwithgray family!

Enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy your garden!

#gardening #free #trending #haul #wood #chainsaw #lumbar #homestead #networking #gardening #sustainable #funny #listenable #freestuff

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