Japanese Garden

Rounded boxwood HEDGE 🌳 BEFORE AND AFTER Garden Landscaping ideas

Let me show you how I added the cutest rounded boxwood hedge to the side of my house, I found this beautiful concrete urn at my local home and garden store and I knew right away where to put it.

#Gardening #Jardines #CottageGarden

I hope you like this video, let me know your thoughts in the comments please 🙂 And don’t forget to subscribe!


  1. So lovely, everything from the project (especially the outside bricks radiating like the sun) and I also love your videos and the visuals. So well done!

  2. Oh my goodness! I am totally going to build one of these beds next year! We just moved and the house were fixing up has no landscaping yet. This is beautiful and your filming is super professional!!!

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