Backyard Garden

Getting grass out of backyard garden with a hand cultivator

Using a hand cultivator to get grass out of the rows in a backyard garden.


  1. En reculant… Ça évite de piétiné le passage du cultivateur…
    Amicalement votre.
    Backing up … This avoids trampling the passage of the cultivator …
    Friendly your.

  2. Here in the UK, I only discovered this fantastic Garden Weasel recently and immediately bought one from a solitary online shop presence over here. Great design with the offset 'spurs' to dig out young weeds and then self clean itself of dirt and great for preparing lawn patches for reseeding and general smoothing out of flower/vegetable beds. Well done USA for coming up with this one!

  3. Is it good for ripping up mud & ice in farm animal pens? The mud in the pen I clean is too hard to shovel up, I can't even grab a handful of it. It needs to be cut up in tiny loose pieces so I can shovel it up.

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