Gardening Trends

Is Wizard101 Making A Comeback??

For many of us, Wizard101 was a game we started playing as children, however, because of the paywalls the game has died down. With that being said, wizard101 has a seen a huge boost in players recently, no doubt that is due to the fact that Wizard City is free forever and the first Arc is free until January. Can wizard101 keep the growth coming? Well, seeing that we about to hit a new high all year and it’s still a week before Christmas, I’d say the game is doing pretty well.


  1. I really wish this game spread one day by be playable on Consoles and Mobile now that would be very interesting and KingIsle will get even more new players to join the first free arc! ❤️

  2. Fascinating honestly. Played this game a ton as a kid, but then stopped because it was just so expensive.

    If I were to start again, I'd want the animations to be sped up and the player character designs to be updated. Besides that, I think it could be fun. The game's world is very charming, and the music still is magical to this day.

  3. I downloaded this game out of nostalgia at the beginning of the month because I happened upon some content for it and felt nostalgic. I still wasn’t willing to spend money, but I just wanted to see where it was. Once I saw that the first Arc was free for the month, I decided to try to speed run the first arc for the first time. I will likely be spending money on the game next month. If that doesn’t prove Kingsisle should have done that a long time ago, I don’t know what does.

  4. Nostalgia is for sure a huge part of it, as everytime a wizard 101 tiktok trends you see people in the comments saying “oh this makes me want to play it again” “that’s it, im making a new account” i feel like if people utilize social media platforms like this it could really get a good boost of old and new players.

  5. i was an adult in my 30's when this game came out. it's a fun game. i've been playing with my kids for over a decade.

  6. type of game you can play on alll devices and upgrade the graphics only game that would have equal grounds on all devices

  7. One thing they need to fix before making a comeback, shorten dumass kyrsalis and dumbass Azteca worlds are to long for replay ability, at least for me that’s why I avoid replaying the game

  8. I personally don't really like how the new updates change the game. Revisiting old mechanics is something that I really want to see happen instead of just adding new stuff over & over again. Gardening, fishing & especially monstrology have become really boring & stale over the years & an exciting update to those systems would be a delight. I also believe that we are in dire need of an UI overhaul. Don't get me wrong these textures feel nostalgic so what I am suggesting is to have an option to turn back to the old UI textures. Also, a revamp of the arc 1 worlds needs to start happening as well because they feel so old nowadays. I understand it doesn't profit them right now to go back & fix old things instead of making new ones but as a consistant wizard101 player, that's what I want to see the most.

  9. i mean when i heard the first arc was free my sister and i, who would NEVER pay for any game as kids, have now played the entire first arc together and have had a blast

  10. wizard101 will only make a comeback if they make huge changes to the pay to play mentality and graphics of the game. Not only that, they should probably stop saying the game is targeted for kid audiences, this will make more people play the game.

  11. It shouldn’t be coming back 🙁 we will never get free membership like this

  12. Just got me and a buddy back into it, loved playing when I was a kid

  13. Damn ur telling me I gotta play THE WHOLE FIRST ARC AND THEN SOME just to get my got damn aoe??? Life school sucks 😢

  14. Honestly, if they just get rid of the P2W aspect entirely this would be one of the best MMO's in my opinion, the 2 big things currently holding it back is the Paywall, and the P2W.

    Edit: And lets be real, I don't think the P2W is going away any time soon sadly :(. But if the first Arc is free, that is a MASSIVE step in the right direction.

  15. I don't know why, but I just can't get the urge to subscribe when youtubers point out the statistics and ask for a subscribe. I mean, dude, just earn it, I don't know.

  16. They took to long to roll out the free to play update, I'm afraid it's too late for a resurgence of new players. Yeah it would be awesome to see more players I just think they took too long.

  17. It's a mockery to see if the realms are really full see the list of realms firstin the arena and then in the common area😁😂

  18. bruh wiz needs to die its not a bad game its just past its life span to pay to win/has been pay to win just never noticed it

  19. If they didnt mute me for 10 years over a small joke I would be playing the game right now but instead fck kings isle.

  20. If they make the first arc free, that can bring so many people back or get so many people to try the game again. Let's hope that becomes a reality

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