Japanese Garden

Hardy Evergreen Ferns you can plant now/Garden Style nw

Learn about Hardy Evergreen Ferns that will hold their own throughout the winter.
Your host and Nursery owner: Debbie Cassidy
zone 8, Lakebay, WA
Plant list:
Arachnoides – East Indian Holly fern
Cyrtomium fortunei – Holly Fern
Phyllitis scolopendrium “Cristata” Crested Hart’s tongue fern
Polystichum sediferum divisilobum – Alaska fern


  1. Debbie, are these hardy ferns deer resistant? I would love to add them to my shade garden, but we have so many deer.

  2. I love ferns! Wish I could find more in my garden centers. Great info, Love the Alaska fern!

  3. Do you recommend planting tulips I the pacific NW? We get so much rain so I'm worried about them rotting. Thank you in advance . Do you plant them?

  4. LOVE YOUR GARDEN. Can you please tell me where I can purchase the large face pots in your Garden. I have searched low and high and cannot find that size anywhere. Any assistance you can give will be much appreciated. Thank you

  5. Hi, I love the shade garden you show at the beginning of this video. Would you be able to do a video showing how to create this garden? Thanks, from New Zealand

  6. I really need to get my hands on these evergreen hardy ferns. I recently put a fence up on the south side of my property & now that part is all shade.

  7. It’s. Now April and I sure do miss seeing new videos from you. Love your channel; you are just delightful to listen to, to learn from. Thanks from Texas zone 7B

  8. Hi there! Miss you're sweetness! I hope you are feeling well and will be coming back to share your videos. I just watched your back yard spring video….LOVED IT!

  9. I miss your videos here in texas. Hope to see more soon. You are very knowledgeable and just delightful to watch & listen to, learn from. Hope all is well with you. ❤️🙏

  10. I hope all is well with you. Havent seen any new videos from you in about 6 months. Truely enjoy the knowledge that you pass on to us garden lovers. Thank you!

  11. hi just found your amazing channel, however, your last video was dated 6 months ago. hope all is well. will you be uploading again ? love from Sue UK

  12. I would you recommend ferns for a South East border which is part shade it gets sun from 4pm till the sun goes down.

  13. Hi Debbie, how are you? Missing your videos. Hope you’re busy with good stuff but I’m worried you are suffering from Long Covid. Wondering about you.

  14. very beautiful garden.
    I want to work as a volunteer.
    I wish you a happy life.
    I wish you a healthy life.🍀❤️🍀

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