Front Yard Garden

“At Last” roses in Central Florida front yard garden

At Last roses by Proven Winners, from


  1. Last year I ordered 12 or so shrubs of ‘At Last’ roses online and when they arrived they looked peach. A few days later they turned yellow and I thought for sure I got the wrong roses. But, when they lost those blooms and rebloomed, the flowers were peach/apricot again and have been since. Because of the change in color, I was fearing they would age to a yellow color, but they don’t actually do that. I think the move of environment from nursery to one’s home probably shocks them a bit, making them turn yellow when we first see them. This is definitely the perfect Rose for a new gardener for example. Practically no maintenance at all. Just water and fertilizer. I use Espoma Rose Tone monthly during the growing season as suggested on the fertilizer bag.

  2. Are these in full sun/heat? I’m in zone 9b California and want something this color and low maintenance for my front yard that can survive our harsh summer sun

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