Container Gardening

5 Basic but CRITICAL SOIL TIPS whether it's a GREENSTALK Vertical Garden, Raised-Bed or In-Ground!

#farmstead #greenstalk #soiltips #beginnergardening
Hey Everybody! Welcome to Morning Glory Farmstead. More and more people are wanting to start gardening or need a little guidance just like myself. With so many beginner gardeners, I thought I would lend a hand and start offering some basic and foundational tips on how to get started and one of the first ways to set your garden up for success is by making sure you have good healthy soil with the right amount of the correct elements. You may need a more acidic or alkaline soil based on what you planting. I am researching articles for myself and then turning around and sharing what I am reading. You do what works for you of course. This is just to help those who are getting started to at least have some foundational information about soil whether it’s for an in ground garden, a GREENSTALK Vertical Garden, Grow Bag, Container Garden, or Raised Bed Garden.
Thanks for stopping by.

Here are the links to the CAT SCRATCHERS I spoke about. These are super important to your cats for their entire life! My cats have enjoyed for YEARS!

I will also add the link to GREENSTALK. I am not an affiliate but have been given a promo code so that you can get 10 bucks off your first order!

Here’s a $10 off coupon for your first order at GreenStalk Garden. To accept, use my referral link:

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