Backyard Garden

VEGAN SUPERFOOD BURRITO – Straight Outta The Backyard Garden

VEGAN SUPERFOOD BURRITO – Straight Outta The Backyard Garden.

This raw vegan burrito contains red cabbage, passion fruit, pineapple guava flowers, goji berries, wolf berries, mulberries, and white guava! It is delicious and nutritious! Grow your food at home and go vegan! 🙂 Join My New Facebook Gardening Group Here:

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  1. When you asked "can you smell that?" I was sitting on the toilet and was like " ohh, yeeeah, yeah I can"… then you said, when I smell that I know it is ripe. lol

  2. Hello my friend , yes you are so right ..every plant you have is from south america and you have it is very cool ,now i know i can have it also thank you for the tip ,i live in Nevada.and i am from south country also so is good to know i can have same of my plants in my garden..thank you for your video..!!

  3. Hi Jake. I wanted to let you know that I admire your gardening. I have a passion for gardening as well. I too am at the beginning stages and it seems that I will be at the beginning stage for quite some time yet. I have another passion and that's working on cars which you will be able to see if you happen to browse my video section. I would also like to mention that I like the carefree attitude/lifestyle you seem to lead. I have added you to my subscription list which is very small only 12 total since my beginning on YouTube in 2008. I look forward to more videos from you, and if you don't mind the question; How big is your property? Thanks! Mike.

  4. Your garden is a dream and since I love to cook too, I very much enjoy your recipes so keep these videos coming! I have a vegan teenager and my husband and I are switching our diet to vegan. You have inspired us to plant more fruit trees. We're going around town looking for native and exotic fruit trees we can grow. I've ordered a barbados cherry tree, tree collard cuttings and Egyptian spinach seeds! I am also in the process of getting a Florida Prince peach tree and Thai hibiscus roselle seeds (Do you have this edible plant already?) So excited to grow all these! Thanks for inspiring me and my family, Jake!

  5. I love your yard, missing Pakistani mulberry and black plum (jamun or jambola) for almost a quarter of century. Though we get only 4 months of growing season but I have a few plants going on that takes full advantage of my south facing Windows.

  6. one of the best videos ive seen of you yet man, truly inspiring. Some of the best Gardening Entertainment/Education on youtube. Keep it up!

  7. Whoa talk about super foods. That would be great for before a work out. Or after lol. Bet the taste is amazing!

  8. Have you ever tried the Brazilian Passion Fruit (yellow color)? They taste much beter than the purple/black Passion Fruit.

  9. sure beats a bologna boat! crazy mulberries!  I really want to get wood chips brought in, but I am untrusting of the sources I've found so far. People say, oh, it's organic, but have no clue what that really means, they just want to get rid of their stuff. Someone I know had some delivered and it had bits of ground up plastic (who knows what else) in it. Any advice? In N. Florida

  10. I sometimes wonder if when the camera stops rolling, Jake spits out the cabbage, goji burrito and hits the nearest Taco Bell.

  11. My son and I LOVE your garden videos!!! Thanks for all you do.

  12. Ιτ looks fantastic…you have the garden of my dreams!!!
    but no washing of the food?
    you've also left the cabbage on the GROUND and then you ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    how about microbes?!
    i wouldn't do that…

  13. I do love your videos….I really do. As I posted on one of your other videos, how does one who doesn't have access to a garden or "time" to workout, prepare healthy foods in a day, make these choices? Love to hear from you.

  14. I’ve had a Pineapple Guava in my yard for a couple years and I finally got it to produce by hand pollinating. I took a small artists paint brush and spent ten minutes going around the bush touching each flower. It worked great. I got a load of fruit. My neighbor has one on the opposite side of the fence and it’s been in the ground for 15 years and has never made fruit. I’m going to hand pollinate from here on out. It’s quick, easy and good insurance.

  15. Your garden is amazing, I'm from Syria mulberry is very popular there and it's in different colors and shapes. Wonderful videos I enjoy watching you, big thumb 👍

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