Gardening Supplies

Winterizing the HOMESTEAD – Artic Polar Blast 2022

Today we winterized our homestead for the artic polar blast that is due to arrive in the Deep South for Christmas. Join us as we cover plants, move trees, cap faucets, and harvest lemons.
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ENGLISH PEA MANUAL books written by Danny.
These books show how to plant, grow, harvest, cook and preserve these vegetables. The books include pictures from Deep South gardens that show step by step.
▶▬ COOKBOOK compiled by Wanda
From Garden to Pantry to Table in the Deep South Kitchen

PORCH TIME tshirts and CRAZY DAZES Tshirts are available too.

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▶▬ HIGH TUNNEL KITS Greenhouse KITS promo code: DeepSouth This is a 10% discount

▶▬ Water Filtration System or LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Alexa Pure
MY Patriot Supply
Stainless Spigot:

▶▬ Harvest Right Freeze Dryer:

▶▬ EMP Shield

▶Visit HOSS TOOL (affiliate link): For ALL your Garden Tools and Seeds

▶ Visit GreenStalk Vertical Planters __ You get $10 off you order using our link. code word Deepsouth

▶▬ Renogy Solar Panel Kit 10% discount Promo code: DeepSouthHomestead
▶▬ *** CANNING LIDS***
For Jars Lids
▶▬Survival Garden SEEDS
▶Danny and Wanda’s KUJO Yardwear SHOES promo code DeepSouth for 10% off
▶▬Herbal Coffee


  1. GM ☕️☕️🥶… Upper Northern Nevada desert here & its been very cold also. Been single digits at night & Maybe reach low 30s daytime. My garden is small & sleeping since October lol.
    Such admiration for both of you 🤩 lots & lots of hard work to keep on top of things.
    Prayers for you & everyone having to endure this weather 🙏🙏😶‍🌫️💨🥶❄️. 👵🏻👩‍🌾❣️

  2. I have 4 citrus. How long do you leave the trees in those pots? I have 2 of those pots, but my citrus is planted in the ground.

  3. I have some volunteer potatoes (I think) on the edge of my compost pile. So I should cut it off and it will come back? I'm in North Texas and we're getting single digits Thursday night

  4. We live in northern Canada and are use to this kind of weather. We use old crock pots for the duck and chicken water. We keep it on low and it works great even in -40 C temperatures.

  5. We live in Upstate South Carolina and are also preparing for the coming very low temperatures. We don't have nearly the preparations you have. but we are working to protect out winter gardens. Your delicious meal made my mouth water!! Wanda, the sweet potato cornbread looks perfect. I will search for a recipe. Thank you! Merry Christmas

  6. I didn't know about covering strawberry plant with hay to protect them from cold so thanks for mentioning it. I live a lot farther north than you so I'll be doing this every year. This is my strawberries first winter. Thank you so much. I spent the day winterizing. 👍

  7. Use the peel and whole fruit . It's great autoimmune fighter and you get the whole vitamin benifits. When you get a cold I heard from ppl if you put a lemon or orange in blender with honey n water or juice it will kick it out fast ! I'm trying it next time I'm sick.

  8. I'm in the PNW are we are expecting 25 degrees this afternoon with an ice storm behind it. Brrr I'm thankful that my grandson is helping me. Stay warm and safe. Blessings

  9. The wind chill and 50 mph winds with 12-18" of snow will shut us down for a few days. I'm just praying the power stays on and the furnace doesn't fail. I'll be checking on all the critters every couple hours. I plan on stuffing the quail and rabbit cages with straw and just crossing my fingers with all my chickens. Stay warm!

  10. Deep South Homestead has a lot to lose from this crazy blast. I'll be praying for your plants to survive. But I'll tell ya, this weather coming is going to be horrible for all of in the south. Here in Fort Payne AL on Lookout, Its supposed to go down to between 5 and -8 plus the severe Windchill. Its never been that cold here either. Our normal low can freeze if a front comes but only for a night or two. Our normal highs are usually 50 plus degrees and about 35 40 lows this time of the year. This is going to be stressful for all homesteaders and their animals. My low tunnels are loaded up with all my winter vegetables. I sealed up my chicken/ duck house to block up any drafts since windchill. Plus a heat lamp.
    I went got cracked corn to give a little bit to my horses with their feed and got bedding already for everybody. My two 6 month old puppies will drive me crazy inside all the time. But Stay safe everyone. 🙏 we know they're using their weather control technology to bring this weather. The timing of it being during the biggest holiday of the year, people usually travelling and severity of it says it all we should know. I suppose theyre hoping to take some lives too. So please stay safe and warm as possible. I want this overwith already. 🙏✝️🙏❤️

  11. I love hearing your cows wanting that hay. Your crops are so beautiful! I’m tired too. Let’s go get a cup of coffee and relax a spell.

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