
Air Plant Display Ideas | Tillandsia Gardening Tips | Indoor Gardening 🌱

Join me today for air plant display ideas! I love indoor gardening, and today I’m sharing Tillandsia Gardening Tips. In this video, I’m going to show you how I made 3 arrangements in my home.

First of all, what are Tillandsia? They are better known as air plants, and they come in several different varieties. The sizes, shapes and colors are phenomenal, so using them in arrangements around your home or office is not only beautiful to enjoy, but also so fun to make.

The big thing to know about keeping your tillandsia happy and healthy is to keep them in a high light environment. Don’t fry them in hot, direct summer sun, but make sure they receive several hours of bright, filtered light. They also require regular watering. I soak mine for an hour once a week, and I’ll link to the video I made showing my watering process. Misting alone is not enough, unless you live in a very humid environment.

I hope this inspires you to try making some of your own air plant arrangements. Now there’s a way to use all those pretty planters that lack drainage.


Hey there Makers! I’m Patty of Pattymac Makes, and I’d like to welcome you to My Handmade Lifestyle! This is a channel to live in analog peace while the rest of the world is spinning around in a digital frenzy. When you fall in love with all things handmade, it really does become a lifestyle. Once you have made one thing yourself, you want to make ALL THE THINGS! And that’s what this channel and my website are about.

What kinds of things can you expect to find on this channel?

πŸ’›Recipes from my own home kitchen that will teach you the skills and techniques needed so you can make it, too.
πŸ’›We use the Air Fryer and the Instant Pot for lots of things, and there is a LOT of baking.
πŸ’›Cute projects and tutorials for sewing, knitting and embroidery.
πŸ’›Learn basic care information for houseplants and pollinator friendly gardening.
πŸ’›I love where I live, and from time to time I will share a vlog about a fun attraction or some yummy food I’ve tried in a locals only establishments. PS: we have IKEA.

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#airplants #tillandsia #easyhouseplants


  1. I had no idea that Tillandsias bloomed! Well I'm off to start my collection!! Thanx for sharing & I will check out your care & feeding of these. Happy New Year, Patty πŸ˜€

  2. I love the ice cube rocks. The lil cow planter is adorable and the log planter is so cool. Overall I love it all. Great information and tutorial. Thanks for sharing and Happy New year 🎊 πŸŽ†.

  3. I was given a small air plant for my birthday on may 3rd, I live in Florida. It's on my kitchen window seal in an east facing window. Its gets a ton of indirect light. My question is, the tips of its leaves are starting to brown a bit. What am I doing wrong?

  4. stunning arrangement and am excited already to start my airplant project, can i use playing glass colored marbles as base? because i have lots of them, and my glass vase is 2x longer than your vase in the video. i could start off with maybe 5 plants first?

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