Container Gardening

My Veggie Garden Tour – My First Year Container Garden (Part 1) – My veggie garden tour – my first year container garden (part 1 of 2)

In this video, I give you a grand tour of one of my two awesome vegetable and fruit container gardens.

People ask me why I have only container gardens when I have plenty of land to garden out in the ground.

The answer is deer, rabbits, moles, gophers….

So, I have two container gardens. One is up by my house in partial sun. This one is almost all greens which mostly do well in partial sun.

The other (see part 2 of this video) is my pollinating garden which gets full sun. Mostly for tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon and cantalopes…. oh and some peppers.

This video is my first upper greens garden. Part 2 is my sunny garden. It’s a great garden too, so many sure you watch that video too!

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  1. Very nice container garden. If I got the amount of food per square foot as you have I could feed the state of Tennessee! I subbed your channel. I will be following your garden as I tend to mine!

  2. Hi! I saw your post on Freelee's video and am so happy your shared your channel! I JUST started my first ever mini garden and need all the advice I can get.  Really looking forward to checking out your channel!  My channel is focussed more on vegan food and beauty but I'm hoping to eventually incorporate some gardening stuff too!

  3. For a first time gardener, you did good! Not to worry about small containers, pushing the limits to see what we can do is just part of the learning process. I like experimenting like that, lol

  4. Hi Sheryl. I saw a video showing how to get rid of the bugs that eat your plants. It's called "Dish Mate". It kills them instantly and it's not harmful to the plants and humans. I will be trying it with my next growing season. Will let you know what happens.

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