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The Ramsey Show (December 19, 2022)
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  1. 57:35 "It's not a fight… He's going to lose."

    He already lost… because she's a SWMBO (Shee Who Must Be Obeyed) and she came on looking for her demand to be confirmed.
    She does not want advice.
    She wants permission.

    The math does not matter.
    We need to address the entitlement of the woman.

    Her attitude will drive him to seek freedom.

  2. I don't know how they're able to listen to what some callers are telling them/asking advice when it's hard for me to understand them. Sometimes callers sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.

  3. I got a free couch someone, one of the recliners doesn't work and the type of fabric always feels wet. I cleaned it with a carpet cleaner. After a year, I spent $39 on an Amazon couch cover that's soft, warm, looks great, and doesn't feel wet!

  4. Leah is not safe. I know she says she is, but she isn’t. She needs to leave that situation immediately. I feel like people make calls like this because they aren’t safe and want someone to recognize that and help them get to a safe place. Praying for her!

  5. Elizabeth your daughter is going to be in your life forever but your boyfriend may not especially since it's only been a year that you've been with this man.

  6. Elizabeth your daughter is going to be in your life forever but your boyfriend may not especially since it's only been a year that you've been with this man.

  7. John D shifts will be cut soon with the new person Jade. Got the vibes from this show.

  8. WOW that young married couple in the end of the video. Way to go guys! You have so much more sense in you then I had at that age !

  9. John calls consulting a "scam?" Good lord, dude. Ramsey, you need to bop him on the head.

  10. Christmas is about Jesus being born, not about gifts or family gatherings. Although all that is great. If we remember Jesus' birth, and that's all we do, so be it.

  11. 46:41 Well, Dave if you didn’t speak over her you would have heard her say she had to protect her children. 🤦🏻‍♀️ LISTEN to your caller, they called in to you for advice Dave! Thanks John for picking up on that 48:11

  12. Jesus Christ, $82k for a firefighter?! I work in public service and I make half that. I need to work on raising my income. I wish I’d cared about money when I was picking my major in college lol

  13. First caller! You can be a volunteer firefighter part time while still doing the computer job until you can financially move towards letting the computer job go.

  14. Caller Jason: should we buy land?
    John: your relationship is strained because of your drive isn’t it…BAD IDEA I WOULDNT DO THAT, oh wait it has nothing to do with your call

  15. When you turn 30…. Hahahah that’s the truth. Ugh 30 the best worst year ever hahah.

  16. leah needs to seek help, this is not normal, i am a firm believer in what is mine is mine and what is yours is yours, but your need to know what each other has, and you both need to contribute to the household expenses equally, I was married for over 36 yrs i signed the back of my ck and gave it to her to manage it did not work,(she took me for every penny and the shirt off my back). men can and are abused it works both ways.

  17. I saw some judgemental comments in the live chat. As a veteran, Beverly is entitled to compensation based on whether or not she retired and whether or not she has disabilities because of her service. Retirement pay and disability pay are from two separate pots and they don’t have anything to do with the other one. The VA compensates on a percentage basis, so saying you get VA disability doesn’t mean you get much, nor does it mean you’re incapable of work. It’s strictly compensation for military related injuries. Now if someone isn’t capable of work, they are also entitled to apply for SS disability, just like anyone else in America. As the legal widow of a deceased man, she is also legally entitled to any pensions her husband had at the time of death. Even if all they were waiting on was a judge to sign a paper saying they were divorced at the time of death. (It happened to my uncle) Additionally, she may be the only one that can legally settle his affairs. I know this through first hand knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with staying married the way they did. Weird, not wrong. Don’t hate on Beverly bc of where she gets her money

  18. Leading an FPU class at 21 yo, wow, he is courageous in my eyes. I would be too shy/self-conscious. Way to go Will!

  19. Thank you John! I wish I had listened to my boys when they were young. I never would have married my ex-husband. Run! Protect your daughter and teach/show her a healthy relationship.

  20. I'm loving John's haircut. Actually, I'm loving everyone's hairstyles lately, maybe it's because they got rid of the headset.

  21. Ok. So unpopular opinion. Leah doesn’t let her husband into her finances because she’s ashamed. Maybe he’s the one in the dark, that’s why she got smart with John.

  22. I'm constantly amazed at how Dr. John has either experienced everything each caller is going through, or he has a friend who has gone through it.

  23. I love Elizabeth,,she's so brave! I hope she grabs her two good friends like Dave suggests and makes it through the heartbreak in one piece

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