Vegetable Gardening

As prepared as we can be for Winter BLAST! Extreme Wind Chill!

We’ve been working for two days trying to get everything short up around here. I think we’re as prepared as we can be and now it’s up to the Lord to protect what we have praying for all of you and will continue to do so.


  1. This was a perfect break before I go do some heated hose wrap (we are currently in an RV) and weather strip the doors. Y’all stay warm!

  2. I'm not looking forward to this cold snap at all. It's supposed to go from 47° here tomorrow to -2° tomorrow night and that's without the windchill. I know the extreme cold is even worse for y'all because it doesn't happen near as often. Stay warm!

  3. You need a coat on them chickens,and lil beak warmers. I dread this so bad. I bet we don,t have internet,or electricity. I,m getting better. Kids signed on their house. I,m jealous of your fireplace. We have gas logs. I,m just going to buy our meal from the firefighters this year. I sure don,t feel like cooking. Be careful down there. Love you all

  4. I have used frost blankets doubled over tomatoes and peppers in the green house at 15 degree's. They all survived. Have found that plastic will draw in frost. Good luck hope all your plants make it.

  5. We are getting the same type of weather reports however having lived in Oklahoma all my life it's subject to change fast with no warning preparing best we can and praying God bless

  6. Hey Jill, Kat from up here in Denton area. We are all prepped, finally. It will probably hit us a few minutes (maybe an hour)? Before you. I’ll give you a heads up as soon as it does!
    May the Lord protect us all! God bless everyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. Mine is a small garden but the preparations were exhausting work. This is only my second winter garden (in Johnson County), so it's best described as experimental. I covered some one row of veg and a raised bed with a second layer of row cover. Moved other veg, in fabric pots, into the garage, and moved potted pineapple guava and a fig next to the brick wall of the house. I covered those with frost cloth, then surrounded them with pots filled with soil but no plants. I covered one open bed of lettuce with fleece and moving quilts. It may be for naught but sometimes we're pleasantly surprised. Hoping that "Winter Density" lettuce is as cold hardy as reported.

  8. I'm tidying up tomorrow. I'm going to put the heater in my greenhouse because they are loaded with tomatoes. Hoping for the best for everyone.

  9. 👍👍👍👍👍 lookin great. Really glad the wind prediction has lessened a bit, 40's is much more manageable. Saying mid 20's here with bigger gusts. Glad for no precip! Be in touch soon!

  10. The last item on my list is a run tonight to walmart to pick up 2 replacement power cords because 2 of mine i need to plug in the submersible heater and power tape in the chicken pen.

  11. I had to put a heat lamp in with my chickens. I was so worried about them getting cold when we get down to 5 degrees. Sheeesh. What is January and February going to bring? This cant be good.

  12. You are such a great teacher, keep it up. We're as ready as we can be too at this point! God Bless!

  13. Hey gal…you and Greg have done a terrific job doing all the extra winterizing for here in Texas. Thanks for sharing with us all what you're doing. When you show us so much and the folks who comment chime in with things they are doing…it gives me ideas of things to do or a better way to do something.
    I'm praying it continues to be less severe and doesn't last as long as they thought. Our God can do that. Gonna finish covering citrus tomorrow. Dug up garlic, onion and dumped potatoes out of boxes. Will chop up and freeze onion and garlic…the potatoes were doing great.
    Putting tarps or plastic over north and west windows.That's about it.
    In Jesus' name, Lord protect every human being in the wake of this storm and let not one life be lost. Love ya my friend

  14. Keeping you in prayer. I'm glad to hear the wind speed has dropped from 60 to 40 mph in your area. We are still in the 50 to 60 range in Oklahoma City. I'll watch again at 10p to see if there are changes. The front arrives between 4 and 5 a.m. Brrrrrrrrr. Take care!

  15. I've done all I know to do. Planning to drain pipes and leave water off till Sunday. Not planning on taking any chances on pipes bursting. Good training for potential infrastructure outage. Three days without water is a piece of cake. Just hoping animals fair well. Livestock can hunker down in the woods. Chickens bedded down. Dogs inside. They all made it okay back in 21. Feed and water. It's all we can do. Love from Deep East Texas 💖

  16. It's gonna be a cold one here in New Jersey by 2pm Friday… Good Luck Jill and be safe. 🙂

  17. It's not going to be all that fun ! But with God's help we will be alright. I did all I can and now it's a waiting game . 2021 I thought I was going to die . No electricity for 4 day's and the temp's inside my house were 15 or 18 degrees. I will never forget!
    I am way much prepared this time so praying 🙏🏻 for the best and let God be God !

  18. Hey I've already have my cabinets open and water dripping, hubby said its not going to come in till mid morning and I just told him I'm not taking a chance because it won't be him out in the freezing weather fixing the plumbing it would be me and I'm not taking the chance, I'm to old to be out in freezing weather under the house trying to do another thing that I'm clueless about while he's sitting on his bum in a nice warm house flipping channels on the tv.

  19. We are in west Texas, prepared as much as possible, showing the same, -10 or so with windchill. Thursday highest temp at 6:45am at 34*. dreading this!

  20. Cold front hit Frisco TX 820a…from calm cool to gusty cold in about 2 mins

  21. our hatches are as battened as we can get them. Gardening is not for sissies!!

  22. You was talking about all the wind yall were getting. Well it is 3:30 in East Texas and we just got all that wind and some snow in parts of East Texas.

  23. Ok..i forgot to tear out a wall.and insulate it and now fot.FROZEN drainage pipe.AGAIN


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