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  1. Michigan had a large grain factory burn. Of course, cause unknown. The factory serviced huge amounts

  2. Ya, and when these family freeloaders come around…I’m not talking about the kids, I’m talking about the so called adults…read them the riot act. You have a right! Self righteous right to tell these aholes off for not talking care of their families!! Then…put the adults to work or tell them they know where the door is bc theirs going to be lots of work to be done!! They just can’t show up with a fork. That’s what I’m going to do bc I told them, I told them and they mocked me. Now it’s MY turn and MY rules…because it’s MY food I’m sharing

  3. Matthew 6:28 And why take ye thought for raiment?
    Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
    they toil not, neither do they spin:

  4. 3 million bushels of corn on fire in Hemlock, MI. 29 departments. More grain out of the system.

  5. Doesn't take brains to be a big shot given money's away that doesn't belong to you and didn't worked for it.

  6. Millions of illegals have crossed the boarder here and we will be vying for food. Their countries will have less people to feed. We have way to many!! I heard the entire population of Ireland is now in America….that’s a lot of extra people to feed. Now add all the others….this was all planned

  7. USA has virtually NO Cold Weather Gear.
    Prepare For Pix of US troops Frozen Along the Road !!

    (anyone remember Germany 1940s?)

  8. When SHTF, forget trying to stay in the U.S.. Get out of the Danger Zone and get to a safe Country if you can. I could never figure out why in nuclear war movies the people just didn't leave the Country, instead they would stay and die or have hard times. Remember your going to need food and water at some point and if the ground is contaminated, how are you going know and what are you going to do?
    Don't risk your family or friend life on contaminated food or water. When it safe to Get out of the Danger Zone, LEAVE.. At least then you don't have to worry about continue nuclear hits and fallout.

  9. This storm reminds me of the 78 blizzard that we had. This will definitely prove to non preppers that prepping is necessary. All of these modern conveniences that everyone is so addicted to is ruining our society. Fast food fast internet fast coffee, etc. Once its gone, what will they do? Our ancestors survived much worse. I am Irish so i appreciate that my ancestors survived. But they did!

  10. If we go into a Nuclear war, Please Think your plans out real carefully because You and your Family and Friends life can be at stake.and you may not get a second chance.
    I have been prepping for years and have everything I need to survive but I'm not going to risk my family lives just to stay here. My plan is to get to Mexico as soon as possible. Since I don't know if there going to be more nuclear hits and fallout and how many bad gangs are going running around looking for food.
    I have a basic ideal of the nuclear target in my state and have laid out plans which routes I will take depending on the Wind the day it happens. That's the hardest part for me, the wind will decide what I can do that day.
    I may have to shelter in place for awhile but when it safe, I will continue with my plans. At least in Mexico you will have access to Doctors, Dentist, Food and Water and we can sleep a lot better. I can always go back later to the house I own if the war ends and it's safe.

  11. Zelensky should hold a press conference in front of The White House, and say "Thank you" to all American taxpayers after he receives another bundle of billions.💵💰💵💰💵💰

  12. Judgement isn't coming.. it's here in your face.. Deuteronomy 28:28.. madness and blindness is all around you and not forget the warnings of what else WILL happen you if forget about God…like being invaded by a people whose language you don't understand.. I stand by what I have been saying for a good while..not many Americans will make it..

  13. The trouble with this freeze and winter crops and crops in the ground waiting untill spring to break out of the ground, is there is really no snow on the ground to insulate the roots of plants. Snow holds the heat in the ground and without it, the roots of plants will die. 🤔

  14. *Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today*.

  15. We don't have to worry about the money stuff that is going on, Jesus gets their plunder at Armegaddon. He gets all their money back, even if they take our bank accounts. So I am not listening to videos about what the elites are doing with money anymore or worrying myself over it. I'm on social security and I'm doing what I can. I'm trying to find free stuff. My hubby is collecting scrap metal and I found a ceramic covered cast iron skillet with a wooden handle. I looked it up online and it is a $115.00 value. I went to a flea market and found a pitcher for Zero Water for only $5.00. Do what you can, something every day. What we do spiritually is most important, repent everyday and continue to search for the truth. We have lost a lot of truth because we are in the falling away. We don't even know what they did in the real church anymore. Those are the kind of things I try to understand. How did they do church? Did women preach? We got to be right with God and be an overcoming church and it is definitely challenging these days to be overcomers and not be overcome by evil. Remember all it takes is an act, we are told to overcome evil with good. So just do it! Overcome the evil done to you with good, doesn't mean you have to like the evil.

  16. I don't feel like I have enough food (bc enough is never enough), but my focus & money is being put in my truck right now.

  17. You are so right.. Thank you.. He chose us to be here at this time.. May he give me strength because I'm wearing down doing this alone… So tired, being the awake worker bee in a relationship is exhausting.

  18. Stock up on multi vitamins. It’s easy to buy 3 120 pill bottles. Food alone won’t meet your vitamin and mineral needs. Salt and spices will save you from getting bored with food plus you need salt anyway.

  19. Special Money Laundering Operation is getting great exposure, just to remind you about the previous Current Thing.

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